ldiv() – lldiv() — Perform Long and Long Long Division

Format (ldiv())

#include <stdlib.h>
ldiv_t ldiv(long int numerator, long int denominator);

Format (lldiv())

#include <stdlib.h>
lldiv_t lldiv(long long int numerator, long long int denominator);

Language Level




However, only the function version is threadsafe. The macro version is NOT threadsafe.


The ldiv() function calculates the quotient and remainder of the division of numerator by denominator.

Return Value

The ldiv() function returns a structure of type ldiv_t, containing both the quotient (long int quot) and the remainder (long int rem). If the value cannot be represented, the return value is undefined. If denominator is 0, an exception is raised.

The lldiv() function computes the quotient and remainder of the numerator parameter by the denominator parameter.

The lldiv() function returns a structure of type lldiv_t, containing both the quotient and the remainder. The structure is defined as:
struct lldiv_t
long long int quot; /* quotient */
long long int rem; /* remainder */
If the division is inexact, the sign of the resulting quotient is that of the algebraic quotient, and magnitude of the resulting quotient is the largest long long integer less than the magnitude of the algebraic quotient. If the result cannot be represented (for example, if the denominator is 0), the behavior is undefined.


This example uses ldiv() to calculate the quotients and remainders for a set of two dividends and two divisors.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
   long int num[2] = {45,-45};
   long int den[2] = {7,-7};
   ldiv_t ans;   /* ldiv_t is a struct type containing two long ints:
                    'quot' stores quotient; 'rem' stores remainder */
   short i,j;
   printf("Results of long division:\n");
   for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
         ans = ldiv(num[i], den[j]);
         printf("Dividend: %6ld  Divisor: %6ld", num[i], den[j]);
         printf("  Quotient: %6ld  Remainder: %6ld\n", ans.quot, ans.rem);
/********************  Expected output:  **************************
Results of long division:
Dividend:  45  Divisor:   7  Quotient:   6  Remainder:   3
Dividend:  45  Divisor:  -7  Quotient:  -6  Remainder:   3
Dividend: -45  Divisor:   7  Quotient:  -6  Remainder:  -3
Dividend: -45  Divisor:  -7  Quotient:   6  Remainder:  -3

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