Display HA Policy (DSPHAPCY)

The Display High Availability (HA) Policy (DSPHAPCY) command displays policies previously created with the Add HA Policy (ADDHAPCY) command as well as policy definition information to assist with defining new policies. Policies control specific behaviors related to clustering and HA environments. Policy information is distributed to all nodes in a cluster.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
CLUSTER Cluster Name, * Optional
PCY Policy name Name, *ALL Optional
PCYDMN Policy domain Name, *ALL Optional
QUAL Policy qualifier Character value, *NONE, *ALL Optional
DFN Show policy definition *NO, *YES Optional
OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional

Cluster (CLUSTER)

Specifies the name of the cluster.

The cluster that has been configured on this system is used.
Specify the name of the cluster for the policy.

Policy name (PCY)

Specifies the name of the policy. Additional information on policies may be found in the PowerHA documentation: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/ibmi/ha/.

Specify policy information for all policies.
Specify the name of the policy.

Policy domain (PCYDMN)

Specifies the name of the domain to which the policy applies. For example, if the policy is for an administrative domain, the policy domain would specify an administrative domain name.

Specify policy information for all policy domains defined with the specified Policy Name (PCY).
Specify the name of the domain that the policy pertains to.

Policy qualifier (QUAL)

Specifies additional information about the policy to distinguish the instance of the policy from similar policy. The possible values in this field are different for each policy, but the format of the information in many policies is very similar to the CL command line parameter format. Additional information on policy qualifiers may be found in the PowerHA documentation: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/ibmi/ha/.

Specify policy information for all policy qualifies defined with the specified Policy Name (PCY) and Policy Domain (PCYDMN).
No qualifier is associated with this policy. This is only applicable to certain policies.
character value
Specify the policy qualifier in the format required for the policy.

Show policy definition (DFN)

Specifies whether to show the rules for defining a new policy or to show existing defined policies.

Show existing policies previously defined with the given policy name (PCY), policy domain (PCYDMN), and policy qualifier (QUAL).
Shows policy definition information for rules on the qualifier and value for a given policy.

When *YES is specified, the Policy domain (PCYDMN) and Policy qualifier (QUAL) parameters are ignored.

Output (OUTPUT)

Specifies whether the output from the command is shown at the requesting workstation or printed with the job's spooled output.

Output requested by an interactive job is shown on the display. If the command is run as part of a batch job, the output is printed with the job's spooled output.
The output prints with the spooled output of the job.

Examples for DSPHAPCY

Example 1: Displaying all previously defined policies


This command shows all previously defined policies in the cluster containing the current node.

Example 2: Printing all previously defined policies


This is similar to Example 1, but the command prints all previously defined policies to the job's spooled output.

Example 3: Displaying a specific previously defined policy


This command shows a previously defined QCST_AD_CREATE policy for the administrative domain AD1 for a resource type of *ALL.

Example 4: Displaying policy definition information for the a policy


This command shows the policy definition information for the QCST_AD_CREATE policy. It gives the syntax of the qualifier (QUAL) and value (VALUE) parameters that can be used on the Add HA Policy (ADDHAPCY) and Change HA Policy (CHGHAPCY) commands.

Error messages for DSPHAPCY

*ESCAPE Messages

&1 command failed.