Change SVC Copy Description (CHGSVCCPYD)

The Change Storage Area Network (SAN) Volume Controller Auxiliary Storage Pool Copy Description (CHGSVCCPYD) command changes an existing auxiliary storage pool (ASP) copy description.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
ASPCPY ASP copy Name Required, Key, Positional 1
DEVDMN Device domain Name, * Optional, Key
SVCHOST Storage host Element list Optional
Element 1: User name Character value, *SAME
Element 2: Secure shell key file Path name, *SAME
Element 3: Internet address Character value, *SAME
VRTDSKRNG Virtual disk range Single values: *SAME
Other values (up to 128 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Range start 0-8191
Element 2: Range end 0-8191
Element 3: Host identifier Single values: *ALL
Other values (up to 300 repetitions): 0-512
RCYDMN Recovery domain Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values (up to 128 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Cluster node Name
Element 2: Host identifier Values (up to 300 repetitions): 0-512


Specifies the name of the ASP copy description to be changed.

This is a required parameter.

Specify the name of the ASP copy description.

Device domain (DEVDMN)

Specifies the name of the device domain.

The device domain that the current node is in.
Specify the name of the device domain.

Storage host (SVCHOST)

Specifies the SAN Volume Controller cluster for the ASP copy.

Element 1: User name

The user name does not change.
Start of change
Specifies the user name that PowerHA passes to the SAN Volume Controller cluster when opening a connection. The user name can be changed. It is up to the user to keep this information current. The user name can contain as many as 16 characters. The actual length used and the character values must conform to the SAN Volume Controller cluster signon rules.End of change

Element 2: Secure shell key file

The secure shell key file does not change.
Specifies the path to the file containing secure shell key used to authenticate the user to the SAN Volume Controller cluster. The path name must be qualified with the name of the directory in which the file is located.

Element 3: Internet address

The internet address does not change.
Specifies the internet address that the local system can use to connect to the SAN Volume Controller cluster. The internet address may be an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

An IPv4 internet address is specified in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255. An IPv4 address is not valid if it has a value of all binary ones or all binary zeros for the network identifier (ID) portion or the host ID portion of the address.

An IPv6 internet address must be a unicast address and must not contain an embedded IPv4 address (compatibility or mapped). An IPv6 internet address is specified in the form x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, where x is a hexadecimal number ranging from 0 through X'FFFF'. "::" may be used once in the IPv6 address to indicate one or more groups of 16 bits of zeros. The "::" may be used to compress leading, embedded, or trailing zeros in the address.

If the internet address is entered from the command line, the address must be enclosed in apostrophes.

Virtual disk range (VRTDSKRNG)

Specifies the virtual disks (VDisks) that are associated with the copy description.

Single values

The virtual disk volume identifiers do not change.

Other values (up to 128 repetitions)

Element 1: Range start

The virtual disk identifier that starts the virtual disk range.

Element 2: Range end

The virtual disk identifier that ends the virtual disk range.

Element 3: Host identifier

Single values

The virtual disk range is to be assigned to all host identifiers for the corresponding cluster node when the cluster node becomes the cluster resource group primary.

Other values (up to 300 repetitions)

The host identifier that this virtual disk range is to be assigned to when the corresponding cluster node becomes the cluster resource group primary.

Recovery domain (RCYDMN)

Specifies the connection information for each node in the cluster resource group site recovery domain. This field is required only for switchable logical units.

Single values

The cluster resource group site recovery domain does not change.

Other values (up to 128 repetitions)

Element 1: Cluster node

Specify the cluster node name in the recovery domain.

Element 2: Host identifier

You can specify 300 values for this element.

Specify the host identifier for the recovery domain node.
Start of change

Examples for CHGSVCCPYD

End of change

Example 1: Changing the SAN Volume Controller Cluster Internet Address


This command changes the internet address associated with the SAN Volume Controller cluster.

Example 2: Changing an SVC Copy Description in the Current Device Domain


This has the same result as Example 1. The copy description is changed in the current device domain.

Example 3: Changing an SVC Copy Description in a Named Device Domain


This is similar to Example 1, but the copy description is changed in the device domain named MYDOMAIN.

Example 4: Changing the SAN Volume Controller User Name


This command changes the user name associated with the SAN Volume Controller.

Example 5: Changing an SVC Copy Description to use Switchable Logical Units

             VRTDSKRNG((100 104 (10 40)) (200 204 *ALL))
             RCYDMN((NODE1 (10 20 30)) (NODE2 (40)))

This command changes the SAN Volume Controller ASP copy description named ORDER for an independent ASP. The copy will be used for switched logical units. The first VDISK range will be assigned to host identifier 10 when cluster node NODE1 is the cluster resource group primary and to host identifier 40 when NODE2 is the cluster resource group primary. The second VDISK range will be assigned to all host identifiers for NODE1 (host identifiers 10, 20, and 30) when it is the cluster resource group primary and to all host identifiers for NODE2 (only host identifier 40) when it is the cluster resource group primary.

Start of change

Error messages for CHGSVCCPYD

End of change

*ESCAPE Messages

Object &2 in library &3 not found.
Not authorized to object &2 in &3.
&1 command failed.