Change ASP Copy Description (CHGASPCPYD)

The Change Auxiliary Storage Pool Copy Description (CHGASPCPYD) command changes an existing auxiliary storage pool (ASP) copy description.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
ASPCPY ASP copy Name Required, Key, Positional 1
DEVDMN Device domain Name, * Optional, Key
ASPDEV ASP device Name, *SAME Optional
CRG Cluster resource group Name, *SAME, *NONE Optional
SITE Cluster resource group site Name, *SAME, *NONE Optional
STGHOST Storage host Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values: Element list
Element 1: User name Character value
Element 2: Password Character value, *SAME
Element 3: Internet address Values (up to 2 repetitions): Character value, *SAME
LOCATION Location Name, *SAME, *DEFAULT, *NONE Optional
LUN Logical unit name Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values: Element list
Element 1: IBM System Storage device Character value
Element 2: Logical unit range Values (up to 128 repetitions): Character value, *SAME
Element 3: Consistency group range Values (up to 128 repetitions): Character value, *SAME
RCYDMN Recovery domain Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values (up to 128 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Cluster node Character value
Element 2: Host identifier Values (up to 30 repetitions): Character value
Element 3: Volume group Values (up to 30 repetitions): Character value
STGHOST2 Second storage host Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values: Element list
Element 1: User name Character value
Element 2: Password Character value, *SAME
Element 3: Internet address Values (up to 2 repetitions): Character value, *SAME
LUN2 Second logical unit name Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values: Element list
Element 1: IBM System Storage device Character value
Element 2: Logical unit range Values (up to 128 repetitions): Character value, *SAME
Element 3: Consistency group range Values (up to 128 repetitions): Character value, *SAME
RCYDMN2 Second recovery domain Single values: *SAME, *NONE
Other values (up to 128 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Cluster node Character value
Element 2: Host identifier Values (up to 30 repetitions): Character value
Element 3: Volume group Values (up to 30 repetitions): Character value
TRACKSPACE Tracking space Integer, *SAME Optional


Specifies the name of the ASP copy description to be changed.

This is a required parameter.

Specify the name of the ASP copy description.

Device domain (DEVDMN)

Specifies the name of the device domain.

The device domain that the current node is in.
Specify the name of the device domain.

ASP device (ASPDEV)

Specifies the name of the ASP device description associated with the ASP copy description.

Start of change
The name of the ASP device description does not change.End of change
Specify the name of the ASP device description.

Cluster resource group (CRG)

Specifies the name of the cluster resource group (CRG) that identifies the nodes among which the copy can switch.

The name of the cluster resource group does not change.
There is no cluster resource group for this copy description.
Specify the name of the cluster resource group.

Cluster resource group site (SITE)

Specifies the name of the cluster resource group (CRG) site that identifies the nodes among which the copy can switch.

The name of the cluster resource group site does not change.
No cluster resource group site is associated with the copy.
Specify the site name within the cluster resource group.

Storage host (STGHOST)

Specifies the storage host (there can be more than one for redundancy purposes) for the ASP copy.

Single values

The storage host information is not changed.

Other values (up to 1 repetitions)

Element 1: User name

Specifies the name of the user that IBM PowerHA for i passes to the connection agent when opening a connection. The user name can be changed. It is up to the user to keep this information current.

Element 2: Password

The user signon password does not change.
Specify the password.

Element 3: Internet address

You can specify 2 values for this element.

The internet address does not change.
Specifies an internet address that the local system can use to connect to the storage host. The internet address may be an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

An IPv4 internet address is specified in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255. An IPv4 address is not valid if it has a value of all binary ones or all binary zeros for the network identifier (ID) portion or the host ID portion of the address.

An IPv6 internet address must be a unicast address and must not contain an embedded IPv4 address (compatibility or mapped). An IPv6 internet address is specified in the form x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, where x is a hexadecimal number ranging from 0 through X'FFFF'. "::" may be used once in the IPv6 address to indicate one or more groups of 16 bits of zeros. The "::" may be used to compress leading, embedded, or trailing zeros in the address.

If the internet address is entered from the command line, the address must be enclosed in apostrophes.

Location (LOCATION)

The cluster node that will own this IASP. Possible values shown are:

The location does not change.
The CRG site identifies the node locations of the I/O adapter. This value should be used for Geographic Mirror, Metro Mirror, and Global Mirror ASP sessions.
The copy of the ASP will never be brought online on any system. This is only valid if the copy description will be used for a FlashCopy target.
Identifies the single node that uses the I/O adapter. This value is only valid if the description will be used for a FlashCopy target.

Logical unit name (LUN)

Specifies the logical units (LUNs) that are accessible through an individual IOA and are associated with the copy description.

Single values

The logical unit information does not change.

Other values (up to 64 repetitions) The logical units are positionally related to the IOA resources specified on the resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter. That is, the LUNs of the first value are accessed through the first IOA resource, the LUNs of the second value are accessed through the second IOA resource, and so forth.

Element 1: IBM System Storage device

Specify the name of the IBM System Storage device that contains the LUNs.

Element 2: Logical unit range

You can specify 32 values for this element.

The logical unit ranges does not change.
Specify a LUN range in the form 'mmmm-nnnn'. 'mmmm' is the first LUN number within a range and 'nnnn' is the last LUN number in that range.

Recovery domain (RCYDMN)

Specifies the connection information for each node in the CRG site recovery domain. This field is required only for switchable LUNs.

Single values

There is no recovery domain. The ASP copy is not used for switchable LUNs.

Other values

Element 1: Cluster node

The cluster node name does not change.
Specify the cluster node name in the recovery domain.

Element 2: Host identifier

Specify the name of the IBM System Storage host identifier for the recovery domain node.

Element 3: Volume group

Specify the name of the volume group associated with each host identifier.

Second storage host (STGHOST2)

Specifies the second storage host for the ASP copy. The second storage host information is only required if the ASP copy will be used for HyperSwap.

Single values

The storage host information is not changed.

Other values (up to 1 repetitions)

Element 1: User name

Specifies the name of the user that IBM PowerHA for i passes to the connection agent when opening a connection. The user name can be changed. It is up to the user to keep this information current.

Element 2: Password

The user signon password does not change.
Specify the password.

Element 3: Internet address

You can specify 2 values for this element.

The internet address does not change.
Specifies an internet address that the local system can use to connect to the storage host. The internet address may be an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

An IPv4 internet address is specified in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255. An IPv4 address is not valid if it has a value of all binary ones or all binary zeros for the network identifier (ID) portion or the host ID portion of the address.

An IPv6 internet address must be a unicast address and must not contain an embedded IPv4 address (compatibility or mapped). An IPv6 internet address is specified in the form x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, where x is a hexadecimal number ranging from 0 through X'FFFF'. "::" may be used once in the IPv6 address to indicate one or more groups of 16 bits of zeros. The "::" may be used to compress leading, embedded, or trailing zeros in the address.

If the internet address is entered from the command line, the address must be enclosed in apostrophes.

Second logical unit name (LUN2)

Specifies the logical units (LUNs) that are accessible through an individual IOA, are associated with the copy description, and that are associated with the second IBM System Storage device (STGHOST2). This is used for HyperSwap ASPs only.

Single values

The logical unit information does not change.

Other values (up to 64 repetitions) The logical units are positionally related to the IOA resources specified on the resource name (RSRCNAME) parameter. That is, the LUNs of the first value are accessed through the first IOA resource, the LUNs of the second value are accessed through the second IOA resource, and so forth.

Element 1: IBM System Storage device

Specify the name of the IBM System Storage device that is specified in STGHOST2 that contains the LUNs.

Element 2: Logical unit range

You can specify 32 values for this element.

The logical unit ranges does not change.
Specify a LUN range in the form 'mmmm-nnnn'. 'mmmm' is the first LUN number within a range and 'nnnn' is the last LUN number in that range.

Element 3: Consistency group range

A range of logical unit (LUN) numbers in the form of 'mmmm-nnn' to be used as the FlashCopy target by Global Mirror to maintain consistency groups. 'mmmm' is the LUN number that begins a range and 'nnnn' is the LUN number that ends a range. For example, '1008-100C' specifies the five LUN numbers 1008, 1009, 100A, 100B, and 100C.

Second recovery domain (RCYDMN2)

Specifies the connection information for each node in the CRG site recovery domain. This field is required only for HyperSwap switchable LUNs.

Single values

There is no recovery domain. The ASP copy is not used for switchable LUNs.

Other values

Element 1: Cluster node

The cluster node name does not change.
Specify the cluster node name in the recovery domain.

Element 2: Host identifier

Specify the name of the IBM System Storage host identifier, from STGHOST2, for the recovery domain node.

Element 3: Volume group

Specify the name of the volume group, from STGHOST2, associated with each host identifier.

Tracking space (TRACKSPACE)

Specifies the amount of user-reserved space to use for tracking changes made to the ASP.

The value is not changed.
Specify the number of megabytes to reserve for tracking changes.
Start of change

Examples for CHGASPCPYD

Example 1: Changing the Storage Host Internet AddressEnd of change

             STGHOST(ORDERUSER *SAME (''))

This command changes the internet address that is used to a storage host.

Start of change

Example 2: Changing the Second Storage Host PasswordEnd of change


This command changes the password used for the second storage host.

Start of change

Error messages for CHGASPCPYD

End of change

*ESCAPE Messages

Object &2 in library &3 not found.
Not authorized to object &2 in &3.
Error occurred during processing of command.
&1 command failed.