Change Data Queue (QMHQCDQ) API

  Required Parameter Group:

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Conditional; see Usage Notes.

The Change Data Queue (QMHQCDQ) API changes the value of one or more attributes of an existing data queue. All attributes of a data queue cannot be changed. This API can only be used with standard data queues, not DDM data queues.

When changing a data queue, a shared update lock will be used. If the lock cannot be obtained, CPF9803 (Cannot allocate object in library) is generated. If any job is using the dequeue (DEQ) MI instruction with a wait value or the Receive Data Queue (QRCVDTAQ) API with a wait value while removing the entry, CPF9503 (Cannot lock data queue) is generated and the request would need to be tried again when the queue is available. After the attribute is changed, the new value will be used for subsequent data queue operations. For example, if the Allocate Object (ALCOBJ) CL command was used to lock a data queue while locks are being enforced, when the data queue is changed to ignore locks, no exception is issued. All data queue operations waiting for a lock on the queue at the time of the change will remain waiting until they get the lock or until they timeout with the CPF9503. Any subsequent data queue operations will no longer perform locking for the queue, so the lock via ALCOBJ is ignored by data queue operations.

Authorities and Locks

Data queue authority
Data Queue Library Authority
Data Queue Lock

Required Parameter Group

Qualified data queue name

The data queue whose description is to be changed. The first 10 characters contain the data queue name, and the second 10 characters contain the data queue library name.

You can use these special values for the library name:

Requested changes

The changes to be made to the specified data queue. The information must be in the following format:

Number of variable length records
The total number of all of the variable length records. At least one record must be specified.
Variable length records
Each variable length record contains a key plus its associated new value. Refer to Format for Variable Length Record for the format of this field.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Format for Variable Length Record

The following table shows the format for the variable length record. For a detailed description of each field, see Field Descriptions.

If the length of the new value is longer than the allowed length of the key field, the data is truncated to the right. No message is issued.

If the length of the new value is shorter than the allowed length of the key field, the data is padded with blanks to the right. No message is issued.

It is not an error to specify a key more than once. If duplicate keys are specified, the last specified value for that key is used.

Field Descriptions

Key. Identifies the data queue attribute to be changed. Only certain data queue attributes can be changed. The following table lists the valid key for the data queue attributes that can be changed. It also specifies the type and allowed length for the attribute. For a description of each attribute along with their possible values, see Attribute Descriptions.

Length of new value. The length of the new value for the attribute to be changed.

New value. The value used for changing the specified data queue attribute.

Attribute Descriptions

Automatic reclaim. Whether the data queue resets the amount of storage allocated for the queue when the queue is empty. If the data queue has been extended beyond the initial size specified on the Create Data Queue (CRTDTAQ) command, it is reset back to the initial size on the next and any subsequent receive/dequeue operations that obtain the last remaining entry on the queue.

Possible values are:

Enforce data queue locks. Identifies whether IBM-supplied data queue operations will enforce a lock on the data queue. This attribute cannot be specified on the Create Data Queue (CRTDTAQ) CL command. The default when a data queue is created is for locks to be ignored. A data queue can be locked with the Allocate Object (ALCOBJ) CL command. Locks can be viewed with the Work with Object Locks (WRKOBJLCK) CL command. When locks are enforced, performance can be impacted due to the additional locking performed by all data queue operations. When data queue locks are being observed, the following lock will be used for each data queue operation:

Possible values are:

Usage Notes

This API can be used in a multithreaded job to change a local data queue, but cannot be used to change a DDM data queue.

There is a possibility of a permanent deadlock when you use this API to change the data queue attributes to enforce data queue locking. If the enforce data queue locking option is turned on, and a thread gets an exclusive thread scoped lock on the queue with the Allocate Object (ALCOBJ) CL command, and then it performs a receive (or dequeue) with a wait and there are no messages that satisfy the receive (or dequeue), then the thread will enter a permanent deadlock waiting for a message. This is a permanent deadlock because no other thread or job will be able to get in to perform a send (or enqueue) because the receive (or dequeue) thread that is waiting is holding the thread scoped exclusive lock that was obtained via ALCOBJ. To recover from the deadlock, cancel the job.

A new failure might occur when using the Change Data Queue (QMHQCDQ) API to change the data queue attributes to enforce data queue locking. This situation can occur when the following is true in thread 1: 1) The Enforce data queue locking option is turned on, 2) the data queue is journaled, and 3) thread 1 performs a send (or enqueue) operation that results in an extend of the data queue (and an internal seize during the extend operation). Meanwhile, thread 2 tries to perform a receive (or dequeue) operation. With this scenario, thread 2 will fail because the data queue lock will conflict with the seize held by thread 1. This failure is a correctable problem. Thread 2 would need to try again the receive (or dequeue) which will no longer conflict with thread 1 when the extend operation completes.

Error Messages

API introduced: V6R1

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