How TrueType and OpenType fonts differ from AFP fonts

When using TrueType fonts, you will see differences in how the fonts are specified, managed, and installed when compared to Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) fonts.

Note: In this topic, the term TrueType refers to both TrueType and OpenType fonts.
Table 1. Differences between AFP and TrueType or OpenType fonts
AFP fonts TrueType fonts
AFP fonts are IBM® i objects. TrueType fonts are stream files in the integrated file system.
DDS keyword FNTCHRSET is used to select AFP fonts. DDS keyword FONTNAME is used to select TrueType fonts.
Print Services Facility (PSF) uses a defined search algorithm to search for AFP fonts. It searches the library list that is associated with the job for a matching font. TrueType fonts reside in one or more of the following locations.
  • The directories that are specified in the QIBM_FONT_RESOURCES_PATH environment variable.
  • /QIBM/UserData/OS400/Fonts/TTFonts. This directory contains user fonts.
  • /QIBM/ProdData/OS400/Fonts/TTFonts. This directory contains IBM-supplied fonts.

You can specify additional directories for user fonts by using environment variable QIBM_FONT_RESOURCES_PATH. One or more directories, which are separated by a colon, can be specified.

When searching for fonts, the system looks to see whether there are any paths that are set in the environment variable QIBM_FONT_RESOURCES_PATH. If so, those paths are searched first. Then the UserData path is searched, followed by the ProdData path.

AFP fonts are created and managed using the font resource commands: CHGCDEFNT, CHGFNTRSC, CRTFNTRSC, DLTFNTRSC, DSPCDEFNT, DSPFNTRSCA, and WRKFNTRSC. TrueType fonts have no IBM i management commands. Instead, the fonts are installed using the AFP Resource Installer. The generated resource access table resides in the /QIBM file system.
An AFP font is specified by using the *FNTRSC object name such as C0D0GT10. TrueType fonts are specified using a font name such as Times New Roman.
AFP fonts can be substituted when the requested font is not available. There is no font substitution with TrueType fonts.
An AFP font is marked as eligible for capture with the Change Font Resource (CHGFNTRSC) command. TrueType fonts are marked as eligible for capture by the AFP Resource Installer.
PSF tries to capture AFP fonts only if the PSF configuration object specifies FNTCAPTURE(*YES). PSF always tries to capture TrueType fonts.