Examples of the XML-INTO operation

Figure 1. Parsing directly into a variable from a file
D qualName        DS                   QUALIFIED
D   name                        10A
D   lib                         10A

D copyInfo        DS                   QUALIFIED
D   from                               LIKEDS(qualName)
D   to                                 LIKEDS(qualName)

D toName          S             10A    VARYING

 //  Assume file cpyA.xml contains the following lines:
 //    <copyinfo>
 //     <to><name>MYFILE</name><lib>*LIBL</lib></to>
 //     <from name="MASTFILE" lib="CUSTLIB"></from>
 //    </copyinfo>
       // Data structure "copyInfo" has two subfields, "from"
       // and "to".  Each of these subfields has two subfields
       // "name" and "lib".
       xml-into copyInfo %XML('cpyA.xml' : 'doc=file');
       // copyInfo.from  .name = 'MASTFILE  ' .lib = 'CUSTLIB   '
       // copyInfo.to    .name = 'MYFILE    ' .lib = '*LIBL     '

       // Parse the "copyinfo/to/name" information into variable
       // "toName".  Use the "path" option to specify the location
       // of this information in the XML document.
       xml-into toName %XML('cpyA.xml'
                          : 'doc=file path=copyinfo/to/name';
       // toName = 'MYFILE'
Figure 2. Parsing directly into a variable from a string variable
D info            DS
D   name                        10A
D   val                          5I 0  DIM(2)
D xmlFragment     S           1000A    VARYING
D opts            S             20A    INZ('doc=string')
D dateVal         S             10A    INZ('12/25/04')
D format          S              4A    INZ('mdy/')
D mydate          S               D    DATFMT(*ISO)


  // 1. Parsing into a data structure containing an array
  xmlFragment = '<info><name>Jill</name>'
              + '<val>10</val><val>-5</val></info>';
  xml-into info %XML(xmlFragment);
  // info now has the value
  //    name = 'Jill'
  //    val(1) = 10
  //    val(2) = -5

  // 2. Parsing into a date.  The "fmt" XML attribute indicates the
  //    format of the XML date.
  xmlFragment = '<mydate fmt="' + format + '">'
              + dateVal + '</mydate>';
  xml-into mydate %XML(xmlFragment);
  // xmlFragment = '<mydate fmt="mdy">12/25/04</mydate>'
  // mydate = 2004-12-25
Figure 3. Parsing an unknown number of XML elements using a handling procedure
 // DDS for "MYFILE"
 // A          R PARTREC
 // A            ID            10P 0
 // A            QTY           10P 0
 // A            COST           7P 2

 // XML data in "partData.xml"
 //  <parts>
 //   <part><qty>100</qty><id>13</id><cost>12.03</cost></part>
 //   <part><qty>9</qty><id>14</id><cost>3.50</cost></part>
 //   ...
 //   <part><qty>0</qty><id>254</id><cost>1.98</cost></part>
 //  </records>
Fmyfile    o    e             disk
D options         S            100A
D allOk           S               N

D partHandler     PR            10I 0
D   ok                            N
D   parts                             LIKEREC(partrec) DIM(10) CONST
D   numRecs                     10U 0 VALUE

   // Initiating the parsing
   options = 'doc=file path=parts/part';
   allOk = *ON;
   xml-into %HANDLER(partHandler : allOk)
            %XML('partData.xml' : options);
   // Check if the operation wrote the data
   // successfully
   if not allOk;
      // some output error occurred

 // The procedure to receive the data from up to 10
 // XML elements at a time.  The first call to the
 // this procedure would be passed the following data
 // in the "parts" parameter:
 //   parts(1) .id = 13   .qty = 100  .cost = 12.03
 //   parts(2) .id = 14   .qty = 9    .cost = 3.50
 //   ...
 // If there were more than 10 "part" child elements in
 // the XML file, this procedure would be called more
 // than once.
P partHandler     B
D                 PI            10I 0
D   ok                           1N
D   parts                             LIKEREC(partrec) DIM(10) CONST
D   numRecs                     10U 0 VALUE

D i               S             10I 0
 * xmlRecNum is a static variable, so it will hold its
 * value across calls to this procedure.
 * Note: Another way of storing this information would be to
 * pass it as part of the first parameter; in that
 * case the first parameter would be a data structure
 * with two subfields: ok and xmlRecNum
D xmlRecNum       S             10I 0 STATIC INZ(0)
   for i = 1 to numRecs;
      xmlRecNum = xmlRecNum + 1;
      write(e) partRec parts(i);
      // Parameter "ok" was passed as the second parameter
      // for the %HANDLER built-in function for the XML-INTO
      // operation.  The procedure doing the XML-INTO
      // operation can check this after the operation to
      // see if all the data was written successfully.
      if %error;
        // log information about the error
        logOutputError (xmlRecNum : parts(i));
        ok = *OFF;

   // continue parsing
   return 0;
P                 E

For more information about XML operations, see XML Operations.