Free-Form Control Statement

A free-form control statement begins with CTL-OPT followed by zero or more keywords, followed by a semicolon.

Rules for control statements

You can specify zero or more control statements in your source file.

If a control-specification keyword cannot be repeated, it cannot appear more than once in any control statement.

You can mix free-form and fixed-form control statements. Each contiguous group of fixed-form specifications constitutes a single control statement.

When the compilation of a program contains any free-form control statements, the presence of the ACTGRP, BNDDIR, or STGMDL keyword will cause the DFTACTGRP keyword to default to *NO.

The only directives that are allowed within a free-form control statement are /IF, /ELSEIF, /ELSE, and /ENDIF.


Examples of control statements

  • Two free-form control statements, each having several keywords
       ctl-opt datfmt(*iso) timfmt(*iso)
       ctl-opt option(*srcstmt)ccsid(*char:*jobrun);
  • One control statement with no keywords. The only effect of this statement is to prevent the RPG compiler from searching for a control specification data area.
  • A mixture of free-form and fixed-form control statements.
    1. A fixed-form statement consisting of three specifications
    2. A free-form statement beginning with CTL-OPT and ending with a semicolon
    3. A fixed-form statement consisting of one specification
     H OPTION(*SRCSTMT :              1 
     H        *NODEBUGIO)             1 
     H ACTGRP(*NEW)                   1 
       CTL-OPT ALWNULL(*USRCTL)       2 
               CCSID(*UCS2            2 
                          :1200)      2 
               CCSID(*CHAR:*JOBRUN);  2 
     H DATFMT(*YMD) TIMFMT(*USA)      3