Changing the IPL startup program

A startup program changes the system resources that are started during an initial program load (IPL). The program also changes the resources and attributes assigned to the system resources that are started during an IPL. Typically, subsystems, writers, and Operational Assistant are launched by this program.

The autostart job in the controlling subsystem transfers control to the program that is specified in the startup program to set the QSTRUPPGM system value. You can tailor this program.

You can create your own program and change the Startup program to set up the QSTRUPPGM system value to that program name. Or, you can use the program QSTRUP in the QSYS library as a base to create your own program. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF) command to create a source file, for example, CRTSRCPF FILE(YOURLIB/YOURFILE).
  2. Use the Retrieve CL Source (RTVCLSRC) command to retrieve the source of the program, for example, RTVCLSRC PGM(QSYS/QSTRUP) SRCFILE(YOURLIB/YOURFILE).
  3. Change the program.
  4. Use the Create Control Language Program (CRTCLPGM) command to create the program, and then save it to your own library.
  5. Test the program to ensure that it works.
  6. Change the Startup program to set up the QSTRUPPGM system value to the program name and library you specified on the CRTCLPGM command.