Installing secondary languages for IBM licensed programs

Follow these steps to install an IBM® i secondary language for IBM licensed programs.

  1. You must sign on to the system as QSECOFR. If you are not, sign off and then sign on again using QSECOFR.
  2. Write down the national language version identifier of the secondary language media. You will need this in step 8. ________

    To find the appropriate feature code for your language, refer to Feature codes for language version.

  3. Load the secondary language media volume in the installation device.
  4. Type the following command on any IBM i control language (CL) command line and press Enter:
  5. A message display could appear. Press F3 (Exit).
    Note: Ignore the messages that are shown.
  6. Type GO LICPGM on any CL command line and press Enter:
  7. The Work with Licensed Programs menu appears. Use the page down or rollup key to see the second display of the Work with Licensed Programs menu.
     LICPGM                   Work with Licensed Programs                           
                                                                 System: XXXX
     Select one of the following:                                                   
       Secondary Languages                                                          
         20. Display installed secondary languages                                  
         21. Install secondary languages                                            
         22. Delete secondary languages                                             

    Type 21 and press Enter.

  8. The Install Secondary Languages display appears.
                              Install Secondary Languages
                                                                 System:   XXXX
     Primary language . . . . . . :   2924
     Description  . . . . . . . . :   English
     Type options, press Enter.
     Option  Language  Description                       Library     Release
       _       2902    Estonian                          QSYS2902 
       _       2903    Lithuanian                        QSYS2903 
       _       2904    Latvian                           QSYS2904 
       _       2905    Vietnamese                        QSYS2905 
       _       2906    Lao                               QSYS2906 
       _       2909    Belgian English                   QSYS2909 
       1       2911    Slovenian                         QSYS2911
       _       2912    Croatian                          QSYS2912

    Use the Page Down key until you see the language that you want to install. Type 1 in the option column next to the language you want to install. You can install only one language at a time. Press Enter.

  9. After the language feature is entered, the Confirm Install of Secondary Languages display is shown.
                       Confirm Install of Secondary Languages
                                                              System:   XXX
     Press Enter to confirm your choices for 1=Install.
     Press F12 to return to change your choices.
     Option  Language  Description                       Library     Release
       1       2911   Slovenian                         QSYS2911

    Press Enter.

  10. The Install Option for Secondary Languages appears.
                      Install Option for Secondary Languages                       
                                                              System:   XXX     
     Type choice, press Enter.                                                  
       Installation device  . . .   OPT01        Name      
       Replace if Current . . . .   N            Y=Yes

    Type the following and press Enter:

    Installation device: OPT01 (See note.)
    Replace if Current: N

    Note: OPT01 is used for the installation device in this example. If you are using a different naming convention, type the name you have assigned to the installation device.

    One or both of the following displays show the status of the language objects as they are installed on the system.

                             Installing Licensed Programs                         
                                                                 System: XXXX     
       Licensed programs processed . . . . . . . . . . :      0 of XXX            
                       Licensed program install in progress                       
    The following display is an example of the display that appears during the installation process.
                         Installing Licensed Programs                        
                                                                     System: XXXX
          Licensed programs processed  . . . . . . . . . . :      X of XXX       
    Program   Option   Description                                    Type       
    5770WDS    *BASE   Rational Development Studio                    2911
  11. If you see the following message, load the next volume of the secondary language media and continue the installation.
    Note: Be certain that the label on the next volume is for the same secondary language.
                                     Display Messages
                                                           System:   XXXX
     Queue  . . . . . :    QSYSOPR               Program . . . . :   *DSPMSG
       Library  . . . :     QSYS                   Library . . . :
     Severity . . . . :       95                 Delivery  . . . :   *BREAK
     Type reply (if required), press Enter.
       Load the next volume in optical device OPT01 (X G)
         Reply . . . . G

    Type G and press Enter. After you load each volume, type G and press Enter. If there are no more volumes to load that contain licensed programs, or if you want to end the loading process, type X and press Enter.

  12. The Work with Licensed Programs display appears on your console when the installation process is completed. One of the following messages appears on the bottom of the Work with Licensed Programs display.

    Work with licensed programs function not complete. Go to the topic Troubleshooting software installation problems to determine the problem.

    Work with licensed programs function has completed. Continue with the next step.

Note: Some licensed program options do not have language objects or are not supported for secondary languages. For example, options 6, 7, and 9 of the operating system are not supported. Option 8 of the operating system does not have any language objects. You can use LICPGM menu option 20 to see the products that have secondary languages installed.

You have completed this task.

  1. Do you have more secondary languages to install?
    • No. Go to the next step.
    • Yes. Go back to step 2 at the beginning of this topic.
  2. Do you need to install secondary languages for licensed programs that are not shown in the list using option 11 of the Work with Licensed Programs menu?
  3. You must complete the installation process before you put your system into operation. Go to Checklist: Completing the IBM i installation and complete the instructions.