Start ASP Session (STRASPSSN)

The Start Auxiliary Storage Pool Session (STRASPSSN) command assigns a name to geographic mirroring, Metro Mirror, Global Mirror and FlashCopy sessions and starts IBM PowerHA for i sessions for them. A geographic mirroring session exists in the IBM i from the time the geographic mirroring mirror copy ASP is created. Metro Mirror, Global Mirror or FlashCopy sessions exists in IBM System Storage from the time they are configured in the IBM System Storage devices. The IBM PowerHA for i sessions allow IBM PowerHA for i to manage and monitor their activity. The IBM PowerHA for i sessions are named so that users and IBM PowerHA for i can identify to one another which session a management or monitoring activity pertains.

A session continues to exist until it is ended even if the session operation has completed. This is done because a session consists of an operation and the status of the operation. Keeping the session beyond the completion of the actual operation allows the session completion information to be retrieved.

Any ASP can be a FlashCopy source ASP. The following cannot be a FlashCopy target ASP:



Keyword Description Choices Notes
SSN Session Name Required, Positional 1
TYPE Session type *GEOMIR, *METROMIR, *GLOBALMIR, *FLASHCOPY Required, Positional 2
ASPCPY ASP copy Values (up to 223 repetitions): Element list Required, Positional 3
Element 1: Preferred source Name
Element 2: Preferred target Name
DEVDMN Device domain Name, * Optional
FLASHTYPE FlashCopy type *COPY, *NOCOPY Optional
PERSISTENT Persistent relationship *YES, *NO Optional
DELIVERY Transmission delivery *CFG, *SYNC, *ASYNC Optional
SSPTIMO Suspend timeout 60-3600, *CFG Optional
MODE Mirroring mode *CFG, *SYNC, *ASYNC Optional
PRIORITY Synchronization priority *CFG, *LOW, *MEDIUM, *HIGH Optional
SWTRVSREPL Switchover reverse replication *YES, *NO Optional
FLVRVSREPL Failover reverse replication *YES, *NO Optional

Session (SSN)

Specifies the name of the session to be started.

This is a required parameter.

Specify the name for the ASP session.

Session type (TYPE)

Specifies the type of session being started.

This is a required parameter.

The session is a geographic mirroring session.
The session is a Metro Mirror session.
The session is a Global Mirror session.
The session is a FlashCopy session.


Specifies the names of the ASP copy descriptions for the ASP session. An ASP copy description is required for each copy of each ASP device, whether primary, secondary or UDFS ASP, that participates as a source or target in the session. ASP copy descriptions must be grouped by device in the parameter.

This is a required parameter. For a FlashCopy session, the values for each device must have the source copy specified first and the target second. For other sessions, a copy's Cluster Resource Group (CRG) overrides the order of specification and is used to identify the current source and target.

You can specify 223 values for this parameter.

Element 1: Preferred source

Specify the name of a preferred source ASP copy description.

Element 2: Preferred target

Specify the name of the preferred target ASP copy description that corresponds to the preferred source copy description.

Device domain (DEVDMN)

Specifies the name of the device domain.

The device domain that the current node is in.
Specify the name of the device domain.

FlashCopy type (FLASHTYPE)

Specifies the FlashCopy session type.

Use of this keyword is only valid for a FlashCopy session.

The session is a "no copy" FlashCopy session.
The session is a "copy" FlashCopy session.

Persistent relationship (PERSISTENT)

Specifies whether the relationship is to last beyond the brief interval that it takes to establish a FlashCopy copy. A persistent relationship is necessary in order to do an incremental FlashCopy or a reverse FlashCopy. These two operations are options on the Change Auxiliary Storage Pool Session (CHGASPSSN) command.

Use of this keyword is only valid for a FlashCopy session.

The relationship between source and target is not persistent.
The relationship between source and target is persistent.

Transmission delivery (DELIVERY)

Specifies the delivery method for an ASP session. This parameter only applies to Geographic Mirroring sessions.

The transmission delivery from the existing geographic mirroring configuration is used.
The mirroring uses synchronous communication between the production and mirror copy systems. This delivery method is best for low latency environments.
The mirroring uses asynchronous communication between the production and mirror copy systems. This delivery method is best for high latency environments. This delivery method will consume more system resources on the production copy node than *SYNC delivery.

Suspend timeout (SSPTIMO)

Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response when doing cross-site mirroring, Metro Mirror or Global Mirror before suspending due to lack of a response.

The suspend timeout from the existing geographic mirroring configuration is used.
Specify the number of seconds to wait before suspending.

Mirroring mode (MODE)

Specifies the mirroring write mode for an ASP session. This parameter only applies to Geographic Mirroring sessions.

The mirroring mode from the existing geographic mirroring configuration is used.
The mirroring uses synchronous writes to save the data to disk on the mirror copy. Synchronous mode is the only mode that allows the mirror copy to be upgraded to a production copy and used after a crash of the mirror copy node. This mode is best for most environments.
The mirroring uses asynchronous writes to save the data to disk on the mirror copy. This mode is best for environments where the mirror copy node is significantly slower than the production copy node.

Synchronization priority (PRIORITY)

Specifies the geographic mirroring synchronization priority.

The priority from the existing geographic mirroring configuration is used.
Use low priority. This uses the fewest resources, but synchronization will take longer to complete.
Use medium priority. This provides a balance between resource usage and synchronization completion.
Use high priority. This completes synchronization as quickly as possible, but consumes the most resources.

Switchover reverse replication (SWTRVSREPL)

Specifies whether reverse replication of the Metro Mirror or Global Mirror is to be started after a switchover.

Use of this keyword is not valid for FlashCopy sessions.

Replication is reversed after a switchover.
Replication is not reversed after a switchover.

Failover reverse replication (FLVRVSREPL)

Specifies whether reverse replication of the Metro Mirror or Global Mirror is to be started after a failover.

Use of this keyword is not valid for FlashCopy sessions.

Replication is not reversed after a failover.
Replication is reversed after a failover.


Example 1: Starting a Geographic Mirroring Session

            SSPTIMO(60)  PRIORITY(*HIGH)

This command starts a geographic mirroring session within the High Availability Solutions Manager. It sets the suspend timeout value to 60 seconds, specifies that the re-synchronization priority should be the highest posssible and specifies that up to 50 percent of the available tracking space can be used for recording changes.

Example 2: Starting an ASP Session in the Current Device Domain

            SSPTIMO(60)  PRIORITY(*HIGH)
            TRACKSPACE(50) DEVDMN(*)

This has the same result as Example 1. The session is started in the current device domain.

Example 3: Starting an ASP Session in a Named Device Domain

            SSPTIMO(60)  PRIORITY(*HIGH)

This is similar to Example 1, but the session is started in the device domain named MYDOMAIN.

Example 4: Starting a Metro Mirror Session


This command starts a Metro Mirror session within the High Availability Solutions Manager. The source ASP copy description is named ORDER and the target ASP copy description is named ORDERBKP.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Object &2 in library &3 not found.
Not authorized to object &2 in &3.
Error occurred during processing of command.
&1 command failed.