gsk_attribute_set_numeric_value()--Set numeric information for a secure session or environment


 #include <gskssl.h>

 int gsk_attribute_set_numeric_value(gsk_handle my_gsk_handle,
                                     GSK_NUM_ID numID,
                                     int numValue);

  Service Program Name: QSYS/QSOSSLSR

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The gsk_attribute_set_numeric_value() function is used to set specific numeric information for a secure session or environment.


my_gsk_handle  (Input) 
One of the following handles:
  • The handle for the secure session. (my_session_handle)
  • The handle for the secure environment. (my_env_handle)

numID  (Input) 
One of the following operations:

  • GSK_FD (300) - numValue is a socket descriptor to be used for this secure session.

  • GSK_V2_SESSION_TIMEOUT (301) - numValue is the SSL Version 2 session time-out for the TLS environment. numValue must be in the range 0-100 seconds.

  • GSK_V3_SESSION_TIMEOUT (302) - numValue is the SSL Version 3 and TLS Version 1.x session time-out for the secure environment. numValue must be in the range 0-86400 seconds (24 hours).

  • GSK_IBMI_READ_TIMEOUT (6993) - numValue is the receive time-out for the secure session or environment. numValue must be in milliseconds. A numValue of 0 is the default which means to wait forever.

  • GSK_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT (6998) - numValue is the TLS handshake time-out for the secure session or environment. numValue must be in seconds. A numValue of 0 is the default which means to wait forever.

  • GSK_OCSP_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE (315) - numValue is the maximum response size in bytes that will be accepted from the Online Certificate Status Protocol OCSP responder. When the response size is greater, the response is rejected. Default is 20480.

  • GSK_OCSP_TIMEOUT (318) - numValue is the receive timeout in seconds to wait for a response from the OCSP responder. This value should be less than or equal to the value for GSK_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT as that setting applies to the entire handshake wait time. Default is 10. (Note: GSK_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT default is to wait forever)

  • GSK_OCSP_NONCE_SIZE (324) - numValue is the size in bytes that will be generated as an OCSP nonce if nonce is to be generated. The default is 0 which is a special value meaning use the System TLS default size of 8. Setting this value greater than 512 will result in the value being set to 512.

  • GSK_OCSP_CLIENT_CACHE_SIZE (326) - numValue indicates if OCSP response caching is enabled for the secure environment. The default value is 1, indicating this secure environment will both create cache entries and use cache entries in the System TLS system level OCSP response cache. A value of 0 disables both cache creates and cache lookups for the secure environment. The System TLS system level cache size is unlimited.

  • GSK_OCSP_PROXY_SERVER_PORT (312) - numValue is the port of the proxy server to which OCSP requests will be sent if GSK_OCSP_PROXY_SERVER_NAME is set. A value of 0 indicates the default proxy server port (80) will be used.

  • GSK_SSL_EXTN_MAXFRAGMENT_SIZE (321) - numValue is the client secure session's preferred TLS fragment size. The fragment size is negotiated with the server using an optional TLS extension. System TLS will send the maximum fragmentation length extension in the extended client hello when not set to the default value of 16384. If the server agrees to the smaller fragment size both sides of the secure session will immediately start fragmenting the data to that size. The typical System TLS application should not change this setting. Note: This attribute is not applicable to System TLS server sessions as they always support all valid sizes for this extension. Valid values are 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096.

  • GSK_TLS_CBCPROTECTION_METHOD (329) - Sets an optional SSL Version 3 or TLS Version 1.0 CBC IV Protection method. The default value is GSK_TLS_CBCPROTECTION_METHOD_NONE (0). numValue must specify one of the following:
    • GSK_TLS_CBCPROTECTION_METHOD_NONE (0) - No method is employed.
    • GSK_TLS_CBCPROTECTION_METHOD_ZEROBYTEFRAGMENT(1) - A zero byte fragment is prepended to each data record sent.
    • GSK_TLS_CBCPROTECTION_METHOD_ONEBYTEFRAGMENT(2) - The data record is sent in multiple records with the first record containing one byte.
    • GSK_TLS_CBCPROTECTION_METHOD_DELAYEDONEBYTEFRAGMENT(3) - The first write operation is unaffected. After the first write operation, the data record is sent in multiple records with the first record containing one byte.

  • Start of V7R3 changesGSK_MIN_RSA_KEY_SIZE (335)- numValue is the minimum RSA key size allowed for a RSA certificate being received or sent. A numValue of 0 is the default. A numValue greater than 0 will prevent any RSA certificates with a smaller RSA key size than the minimum key size set from being used during the handshake. A system level minimum key size for System TLS can be set using System Service Tools (SST) Advanced Analysis Command SSLCONFIG. The SSLCONFIG value is used for this attribute internally if it is larger than numValue.
    End of V7R3 changes

  • Start of V7R3 changes GSK_HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (336) - numValue is the timeout in seconds to wait for an OCSP connect. Default is 0 (off).

  • GSK_SSL_EXTN_SESSIONTICKET_KEY_LIFETIME (337)- numValue is the session ticket key lifetime on a server. An environment has a key used to encrypt/decrypt session tickets generated by the environment. The key lifetime determines how often the key is refreshed with a new value. 0 means to not refresh the key however System TLS refreshes after approximately six months. A session ticket encrypted by an expired key is not used for session resumption when received from a client. numValue must be in the range 0-86400 seconds (24 hours). Default is 86400.

  • GSK_SSL_EXTN_SESSIONTICKET_MAX_SIZE (341)- numValue is the maximum session ticket size in bytes supported by the client application. Session tickets received from a server that are larger than the maximum size are discarded. This attribute has no meaning for server applications. numValue must be in the range 1024-16384 bytes. Default is 8192 bytes.

  • GSK_SSL_EXTN_SESSIONTICKET_NUMBER (352)- numValue is the number of secure session tickets requested or sent. numValue must be in the range 0-16 session tickets. Default is 1.
    End of V7R3 changes

numValue  (Input) 
An integer value to be updated for the specified numID.


No authorization is required.

Return Value

gsk_attribute_set_numeric_value() returns an integer. Possible values are:


gsk_attribute_set_numeric_value() was successful.


One of the following occurred:


The numID specified was not valid.


The numValue specified was not valid.


A handle was specified that was not valid.


The numID is currently not supported.


An error occurred in TLS processing, check the errno value.

Error Conditions

When the gsk_attribute_set_numeric_value() API fails with return code [GSK_ERROR_IO], errno can be set to:


Interrupted function call.


Resource deadlock avoided.


Operation terminated.

If an errno is returned that is not in this list, look in Errno Values for UNIX®-Type Functions for a description of the errno.

Usage Notes

  1. The following GSK_NUM_ID values may be set in the secure environment after gsk_environment_open() and before gsk_environment_init(). They are used as defaults for subsequent secure sessions:

    • Start of V7R3 changesGSK_MIN_RSA_KEY_SIZEEnd of V7R3 changes
    • Start of V7R3 changesGSK_HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
      End of V7R3 changes

  2. The following GSK_NUM_ID values may be set for each individual secure session after gsk_secure_soc_open() and before gsk_secure_soc_init(). These values will override values set in the secure environment:

    • GSK_FD

  3. The GSK_FD value is a socket descriptor that must have an address family of AF_INET or AF_INET6 and a socket type of SOCK_STREAM.

  4. The following information should be considered when using GSK_TLS_CBCPROTECTION_METHOD:

    • These methods only apply to SSL Version 3 and TLS Version 1.0 when using CBC cipher suites.
    • Setting GSK_TLS_CBCPROTECTION_METHOD_ONEBYTEFRAGMENT may generally interfere with application protocols that expect complete records.
    • It is recommended that TLS Version 1.1 or higher is used instead of the above mitigation methods.
    • Stream ciphers are not subject to attack and may be used as a mitigation method.

Related Information

API introduced: V5R1