
Expressions are a way to express program logic using free-form syntax. They can be used to write program statements in a more readable or concise manner than fixed-form statements.

An expression is simply a group of operands and operations. For example, the following are valid expressions:
     'The tax rate is ' + %editc(tax : 'A') + '%.'

Figure 1 shows several examples of how expressions can be used:

Figure 1. Expression Examples
 * The operations within the DOU group will iterate until the
 * logical expression is true.  That is, either COUNTER is less
 * than MAXITEMS or indicator 03 is on.
     dou  counter < MAXITEMS or *in03;
     // The operations controlled by the IF operation will occur if
     // DUEDATE (a date variable) is an earlier date than
     // December 31, 1994.
     if DueDate < D'12-31-94';
     // In this numeric expression, COUNTER is assigned the value
     // of COUNTER plus 1.
     Counter = Counter + 1;
     // This numeric expression uses a built-in function to assign the numb
     // of elements in the array ARRAY to the variable ARRAYSIZE.
     ArraySize = %elem (Array);
     // This expression calculates interest and performs half adjusting on
     // the result which is placed in the variable INTEREST.
     eval(h) Interest = Balance * Rate;
     // This character expression builds a sentence from a name and a
     // number using concatentation.  You can use built-in function
     // %CHAR, %EDITC, %EDITW or %EDITFLT to convert the numeric value
     // to character data.
     // This statement produces 'Id number for John Smith is 231 364'
     String = 'Id number for '
              + %trimr (First) + ' ' + %trimr (Last)
              + ' is ' + %editw (IdNum: '   &   ');
     // This expression adds a duration of 10 days to a date.
     DueDate = OriginalDate + %days(10);
     // This expression determines the difference in seconds between
     // two time values.
     Seconds = %diff (CompleteTime: t'09:00:00': *seconds);
     // This expression combines a date value and a time value into a
     // timestamp value.
     TimeStamp = TransactionDate + TransactionTime;