Examples of the allowmissing option with insufficient data for all subfields

The following definitions are used in the examples
D qualName        DS                   QUALIFIED
D   name                        10A
D   lib                         10A

D copyInfo        DS                   QUALIFIED
D   from                               LIKEDS(qualName)
D   to                                 LIKEDS(qualName)
Assume that file cpyA.xml contains the following lines:
 <?xml version='1.0' ?>
  <from name="MASTFILE" lib="CUSTLIB"></from>
Assume that file cpyB.xml contains the following lines:
  1. Data structure copyInfo has two subfields, from and to. Each of these subfields has two subfields name and lib. File cpyA.xml exactly matches the copyInfo structure, so the allowmissing option is not needed.
      xml-into copyInfo %XML('cpyA.xml' : 'doc=file');
      // copyInfo.from  .name = 'MASTFILE  ' .lib = 'CUSTLIB   '
      // copyInfo.to    .name = 'MYFILE    ' .lib = '*LIBL     '
  2. File cpyB.xml is missing the lib subfield from the XML element copyinfo.to. Option allowmissing=yes must be specified to allow a subfield to be missing from the XML document. The copyInfo structure is cleared before the operation so the program can determine which subfields were not assigned any data.
      clear copyInfo;
      xml-into copyInfo %XML('cpyB.xml'
                         : 'doc=file allowmissing=yes');
      // copyInfo.from  .name = 'MASTER    ' .lib = 'PRODLIB   '
      // copyInfo.to    .name = 'MYCOPY    ' .lib = '          '
      if copyInfo.from.lib = *blanks;
        copyInfo.from.lib = '*LIBL';
      if copyInfo.to.lib = *blanks;
        copyInfo.to.lib = '*LIBL';