Using class objects (C++ only)

You can use a class type to create instances or objects of that class type. For example, you can declare a class, structure, and union with class names X, Y, and Z respectively:
class X {
   // members of class X

struct Y {
   // members of struct Y

union Z {
   // members of union Z
You can then declare objects of each of these class types. Remember that classes, structures, and unions are all types of C++ classes.
int main()
   X xobj;      // declare a class object of class type X
   Y yobj;      // declare a struct object of class type Y
   Z zobj;      // declare a union object of class type Z
In C++, unlike C, you do not need to precede declarations of class objects with the keywords union, struct, and class unless the name of the class is hidden. For example:
struct Y { /* ... */ };
class X { /* ... */ };
int main ()
   int X;             // hides the class name X
   Y yobj;            // valid
   X xobj;            // error, class name X is hidden
   class X xobj;      // valid
When you declare more than one class object in a declaration, the declarators are treated as if declared individually. For example, if you declare two objects of class S in a single declaration:
class S { /* ... */ };
int main()
   S S,T; // declare two objects of class type S
this declaration is equivalent to:
class S { /* ... */ };
int main()
   S S;
   class S T;       // keyword class is required
                    // since variable S hides class type S
but is not equivalent to:
class S { /* ... */ };
int main()
   S S;
   S T;             // error, S class type is hidden
You can also declare references to classes, pointers to classes, and arrays of classes. For example:
class X { /* ... */ };
struct Y { /* ... */ };
union Z { /* ... */ };
int main()
   X xobj;
   X &xref = xobj;           // reference to class object of type X
   Y *yptr;                  // pointer to struct object of type Y
   Z zarray[10];             // array of 10 union objects of type Z

You can initialize classes in external, static, and automatic definitions. The initializer contains an = (equal sign) followed by a brace-enclosed, comma-separated list of values. You do not need to initialize all members of a class.

Objects of class types that are not copy restricted can be assigned, passed as arguments to functions, and returned by functions.