SFLLIN (Subfile Line) keyword for display files

You use this record-level keyword on the subfile-control record format to specify that the subfile is to be displayed as a horizontal subfile. The subfile has more than one column of records displayed.

The format of the keyword is:

The parameter value specifies the number of spaces (including attribute characters) between columns of records.

For example, specifying the SFLLIN keyword causes a subfile of four records to be displayed as:
REC1    REC3
REC2    REC4
If SFLLIN is not specified, these records appear as:

If the subfile record format contains field selection, this keyword is not valid.

To use SFLLIN for secondary display sizes, specify a SFLLIN keyword with a display size condition name for each secondary display size.

Because the SFLPAG keyword specifies the number of subfile records that can be displayed at a single time, you must consider SFLLIN when specifying the SFLPAG value.

SFLLIN is not valid for a message subfile.

Option indicators are not valid for this keyword.


The following example shows how to specify the SFLLIN keyword. Columns of subfile records appear five spaces apart.

00010A          R SFLR                      SFL
     A*           (at least one displayable field)
00040A          R SFLCTLR                   SFLCTL(SFLR)
00050A                                      SFLPAG(17)
00060A                                      SFLSIZ(17)
00070A                                      SFLDSP SFLDSPCTL
00080A                                      SFLLIN(5)