HLPSCHIDX (Help Search Index) keyword for display files

You use this file-level keyword to enable the index search function (F11 on the Help display) and specify the search index object used for the index search.

The format of the keyword is:

The search index object, created using the CRTSCHIDX command, contains the data to be made available when the function key is pressed to start the index search function.

If you do not specify a library name, *LIBL is used to search for the search index object. The search index object need not exist when the display file is created.

HLPSCHIDX is valid only when at least one HLPPNLGRP keyword is specified in the file.

HLPSCHIDX keyword cannot be specified with the HLPSHELF keyword.

Option indicators are not valid for this keyword.


The following example shows how to specify the HLPSCHIDX keyword.

     A                                      HELP
     A                                      HLPTITLE('Sample Screen')
     A                                      HLPPNLGRP(GENERAL LIBA/PANEL1)
     A                                      HLPSCHIDX(LIBA/SEARCH1)
     A          R REC001H
     A          H                           HLPARA(4  10  4  29)
     A                                      HLPPNLGRP(NAMETAG LIBA/PNL1)
     A                                  1 10'Sample Screen'
     A            NAME1         20A  B  4 10