HLPBDY (Help Boundary) keyword for display files

You use this help-specification-level keyword to limit the online help information that is available when online help information is displayed.

This keyword has no parameters.

If the HLPBDY keyword is not specified, the online help information associated with all active H specifications (accumulated for all records on the display) is accessible to the user. Specifying the HLPBDY keyword partitions the list into sublists by defining help boundaries. Each sublist contains the H specifications specified between help boundaries. The H specification that has the HLPBDY keyword is considered to be before the boundary. If the help information is defined using DDS (HLPRCD keyword), the user has access only to the help information in the sublist containing the H specification selected when the Help key is pressed. If the help information is defined using the UIM (HLPPNLGRP keyword), the sublists determine the extended help. The extended help consists of the file level HLPPNLGRP followed by the sublist containing the H specification selected for item-specific help.

Option indicators are valid for this keyword.


The following example shows how to specify the HLPBDY keyword.

     A                                      HELP
     A                                      HLPTCD(DFTHELP)
     A          R RECORD1
     A* This is H-spec 1
     A          H                           HLPARA(1 5 3 15)
     A                                      HLPRCD(HELPRCD1)
     A* This is H-spec 2
     A          H                           HLPARA(*NONE)
     A                                      HLPRCD(HELPRCD2)
     A                                      HLPBDY
     A* This is H-spec 3
     A          H                           HLPARA(4 5 6 15)
     A                                      HLPRCD(HELPRCD3)
     A  90                                  HLPBDY
     A* This is H-spec 4
     A          H                           HLPARA(8 5 10 15)
     A                                      HLPRCD(HELPRCD4)
     A                                      HLPBDY
     A            FIELD1        10A     1 10

The list of H specifications for RECORD1 is divided into two or three sublists, depending on the condition of indicator 90 at the time the Help key is pressed. If indicator 90 is off, there are two sublists. The first sublist contains H specifications 1 and 2, and the second sublist contains H specifications 3 and 4. If indicator 90 is on, there are three sublists. The first sublist contains H specifications 1 and 2, the second sublist contains H specification 3, and the third sublist contains H specification 4.