GRDATR (Grid Attribute) keyword

You use this file-level or record-level keyword to define the default color and line type attributes for the grid structure.

The format of the keyword is:
GRDATR([(*COLOR grid-line-color | &Color-field)]
[(*LINTYP grid-line-attribute | &Lintype-field)])

P-fields can be used to define or change the attributes at run time when this keyword is used at the record-level.

Valid parameter and p-fields values are:

Table 1. Valid color values
COLOR Meaning Program field value
BLU Blue X'01'
GRN Green X'02'
CYAN Cyan X'03'
RED Red X'04'
VLT Violet X'05'
YLW Yellow X'06'
WHT White X'07'
GRY Gray X'08'
LBLU Light blue X'09'
LGRN Light green X'0A'
LTRQ Light Turquoise X'0B'
LRED Light red X'0C'
LVLT Light violet X'0D'
LYLW Light yellow X'0E'
HWHT High-intensity white X'0F'
BLK Black X'10'
NONE Default value of the display X'FF'
Note: The default color is white.
Table 2. Valid line types
Line type Meaning Program field value
SLD Solid X'00'
THK Thick X'01'
DBL Double X'02'
DOT Dot X'03'
DSH Dash X'08'
THKDSH Thick dash X'09'
DBLDSH Double dash X'0A'
NONE Default value of the display X'FF'
Note: The default line type is solid.

If a p-field is specified for either the COLOR or LINTYP parameter, the field must exist in the record format. The field is defined as data type A, usage P, and length of 1.

Grid line support requires DBCS equipment. This equipment should have the capability of calling Japanese DOS.

Option indicators are valid for this keyword.


The following example shows how to specify the GRDATR keyword.

     A                                      GRDATR((*COLOR WHT) (LINTYP SLD))
     A          R GRDREC1                   GRDRCD
     A                                      GRDATR((*COLOR BLU) (LINTYP DSH))
     A                                      GRDBOX((*POS (2 2 10 70 )) +
     A                                      (*TYPE PLAIN)
     A          R GRDREC2                   GRDRCD
     A                                      GRDBOX((*POS (4 4 5 45)) +
     A                                      (*TYPE PLAIN)
     A                                      GRDLIN((*POS (6 4 20)) +
     A                                      (*TYPE LOWER) +
     A                                      (*COLOR RED) (*LINTYP DBL))

When the GRDREC1 record is written, the TYPE PLAIN box defined by the GRDBOX keyword within the GRDREC2 record will be displayed with a blue dash lines. These attributes are defined on the GRDATR keyword on the GRDREC1 record.

When the GRDREC2 record is written, the TYPE PLAIN box defined by the GRDBOX keyword within the GRDREC2 record will be displayed with a white solid line. These attributes are defined on the GRDATR keyword at the file level. The GRDLIN defined within GRDREC2 will be a red double line. The attributes defined on the GRDBOX or GRDLIN keyword override any GRDATR keyword on the file- or record-level.