
Use the CWBSO_DisallowListActions API with this product.


Sets actions the user is not allowed to perform on objects in a list. This affects the actions available when the list is displayed by calling CWBSO_DisplayList. Disallowed actions do not appear in the menu bar, tool bar, or object pop-up menus. This API can only be called once for a list, and it must be called prior to displaying the list.


unsigned int CWB_ENTRY CWBSO_DisallowListActions(
                CWBSO_LIST_HANDLE listHandle,           
                unsigned short far* lpusActionIDs,      
                unsigned short usCount);                


CWBSO_LIST_HANDLE listHandle - input
A handle to a list that is returned by a previous call to CWBSO_CreateListHandle or CWBSO_CreateListHandleEx.
unsigned short far* lpusActionIDs - input
A long pointer to an array of action identifier values These values identify which actions the user will not be allowed to perform. The valid values for this parameter depend on the type of objects in the list. See the appropriate header files for the valid values:
  • cwbsojob.h
  • cwbsomsg.h
  • cwbsoprt.h
  • cwbsosfl.h
unsigned short usCount - input
The number of action identifier values specified.

Return Codes

The following list shows common return values.

No error occurred.
The list handle that is specified is not valid.
An action ID specified is not valid for the type of list.
Not enough memory is available for the request.
The action that was requested is not allowed at this time.


CWBSO_CreateListHandle must be called prior to calling this API. The list handle that is returned by CWBSO_CreateListHandle must be passed as input to this API.