Built-in functions for CL

Control language (CL) provides several built-in functions. Built-in functions are used in arithmetic, character string, relational, or logical expressions. All of these built-in functions can only be used in compiled CL programs or procedures.

CL provides the following built-in functions:
  • Start of change%CHAREnd of change
  • %CHECK
  • Start of change%DECEnd of change
  • Start of change%INTEnd of change
  • Start of change%LENEnd of change
  • Start of change%LOWEREnd of change
  • %SCAN
  • Start of change%SIZEEnd of change
  • %TRIM
  • %TRIML
  • %TRIMR
  • Start of change%UINTEnd of change
  • Start of change%UPPEREnd of change