Rename Job using Job Scheduler (RNMJOBJS)

The Rename Job using Job Scheduler (RNMJOBJS) command allows you to rename a job. After renaming the job, you can modify and change any or all of the associated parameters.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
JOB Job entry Element list Required, Positional 1
Element 1: Job Name
Element 2: Group Name, *NONE
Element 3: Group sequence 1-99, *NONE
NEWJOB New job entry Element list Optional, Positional 2
Element 1: Job Name, *SAME
Element 2: Group Name, *SAME, *NONE
Element 3: Group sequence 1-99, *SAME, *NONE

Job entry (JOB)

Specifies the name of the job schedule entry that you want to rename. You must specify a job for every job and alternately can specify a group to which the job belongs as well as a sequence number for the job within the group.

Note: No subordinate jobs for a group can exist in order to rename the sequence 1 job of the group.

This is a required parameter.

Element 1: Job

Specify the user-defined name of the job schedule entry that you want to rename.

Element 2: Group

The job is not assigned to a group.
Specify the user-defined name of the group to which the job belongs.

Element 3: Group sequence

There is not a sequence number assigned to the job.
Specify the sequence number of the job within the group.

New job entry (NEWJOB)

Specifies the name of the job schedule entry that you are creating as a result of renaming the job specified for the Job entry (JOB) parameter. You must specify a job for every job and alternately can specify a group to which the job belongs as well as a sequence number for the job within the group.

The first job of a group must be sequence number 1. Subsequent sequence numbers should leave gaps (10, 20, 30 and so on) to allow job insertions if necessary.

Element 1: Job

The current name of the job does not change.
Specify the user-defined name of the job schedule entry that you want to create from the job that you are renaming.

Element 2: Group

The current name of the group does not change.
The job is not assigned to a group.
Specify the user-defined name of the group to which the job belongs.

Element 3: Group sequence

The current sequence number of the job does not change.
There is not a sequence number assigned to the job.
Specify the sequence number of the job within the group.



This command renames job JOB02 to JOB04.

Error messages
