Using the WRKMLBBRM Command

While you can make some changes to media library information from the WRKDEVBRM command, the Work with Media Libraries (WRKMLBBRM) command provides more options at a greater level of detail. To get there, take the following steps:

  1. Type WRKMLBBRM at a command line and press Enter.
                              Work with Media Libraries                   RCHAS400
    Position to . . . . . .               Starting characters
    Type options, press Enter.
    2=Change   3=Hold     5=Display   6=Release   8=Work with MLB media
    9=Display MLB media   10=Display MLB status   11=Add MLB media
    Opt   Library    Status         Location   Text
    _    __________
    -    MLB01       Released       VAULT       Entry created by BRM configuration
    -    TAPMLB03    Released       TAPMLB03    Entry created by BRM configuration
    F3=Exit    F5=Refresh    F9=System command    F12=Cancel
  2. From this display, you can access a variety of MLB-related displays and perform the following tasks:
  3. After completing your changes, press Enter to return to the Work with Media Libraries display.

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