STEP 016 : Recover User Libraries

Depending on how you saved the libraries, you can choose STRRCYBRM OPTION (*ALLUSR) or STRRCYBRM OPTION(*CTLGRP) to restore them. The STRRCYBRM OPTION(*CTLGRP) command gives you more control and permits you to start concurrent restores. During complete recovery, BRMS restores both full and incremental saves.

For logical and physical files, BRMS uses a BRMS defined ID of Q1ARSTID that is used for the parameter Defer ID (DFRID) on RSTLIB and RSTOBJ commands. This will handle the dependencies on a specific restore order for these files.

STEP 016 : Recover User Libraries

Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________

You should restore the current version of your user libraries.

If you are performing a complete system restore, run the following
command to continue:


Otherwise, run the following command.


Type your command choice then press "Enter".

-----  Attention  ---------------------------------------------------
Any logical/physical file dependencies are now handled by BRMS.  A
BRMS defined ID of Q1ARSTID will be used for the Defer ID (DFRID)
parameter on RSTLIB and RSTOBJ commands.  This parameter allows you
to restore all objects in a set of libraries when the libraries with
dependent objects are restored before the libraries with the objects
they depend on.

--- Attention -------------------------------------------------------
If you use journaling, the libraries containing the journals must be
restored before restoring the libraries containing the journaled files.

Select the saved item(s) listed below from the "Select Recovery Items"
display then press "Enter" to recover these saved items. Recovery of
these saved items will require the volumes listed on the report or
duplicate volumes.

--- Objects ---
Saved      Save    ----- ASP ------  Save     Save            Not     Sequence  Control    Volume
Item       Type    Name      Number  Date     Time    Saved   Saved   Number    Group      Identi
---------- ------- ---------- ----- -------- -------- ------- ------- --------- ---------- ------
__ $$D2BSYSCF *FULL   *SYSBAS    00001  7/25/05 10:06:15       4       0         4  *BKUGRP   VOL002
__ $$PROD     *FULL   *SYSBAS    00001  7/25/05 10:06:15       2       0         5  *BKUGRP   VOL002
__ $BLDBR1    *FULL   *SYSBAS    00001  7/25/05 10:06:15   1,003       0         6  *BKUGRP   VOL002
__ $BLDKKA    *FULL   *SYSBAS    00001  7/25/05 10:06:15     256       0         7  *BKUGRP   VOL002
__ $BLDSHIP   *FULL   *SYSBAS    00001  7/25/05 10:06:15     113       0         8  *BKUGRP   VOL002

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