STEP 012 : Recover Required System Libraries

You must recover three key libraries on the system because BRMS has dependencies on these libraries.

The QUSRSYS library is important to BRMS because it contains the tape exit registration information. The QSYS2 library contains the LAN code for the 3494 media library. You must recover the QGPL library before you recover the QUSRSYS library because QGPL contains dependencies that QUSRSYS needs.

STEP 012 : Recover Required System Libraries

Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________

You must restore specific system libraries before you can use BRMS to
perform other recovery steps.

If the "Select Recovery Items" display is not shown and you are
performing a complete system restore, run the following command:


Otherwise, run the following command.


Type your command choice then press "Enter".

Select the saved item(s) listed below from the "Select Recovery Items"
display then press "Enter" to recover these saved items. Recovery of
these saved items will require the volumes listed on the report or
duplicate volumes.

--- Objects ---
Saved      Save    ----- ASP ------  Save     Save            Not     Sequence  Control    Volume
Item       Type    Name      Number  Date     Time    Saved   Saved   Number    Group      Identi
---------- ------- ---------- ----- -------- -------- ------- ------- --------- ---------- ------
__ QSYS2      *FULL   *SYSBAS    00001  7/25/05 14:43:38     115       0        99  *SYSGRP   VOL003
__ QGPL       *FULL   *SYSBAS    00001  7/25/05 10:06:15     443       0        39  *BKUGRP   VOL002
__ QUSRSYS    *FULL   *SYSBAS    00001  7/25/05 10:06:15   1,520       0        45  *BKUGRP   VOL002

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