STEP 008 : Initialize BRMS Device and Media Library Information

If you used values other than default values on the BRMS device and media library information displays, you should verify that your changes are still in effect. You can do this using the Work with Devices (WRKDEVBRM) command.

In some full system recovery scenarios, the WRKMLBBRM command will not run successfully because of dependencies on files saved in library QUSRSYS. You should defer using the WRKMLBBRM command until STEP 013 : Reset BRMS Device and Media Library Information.
STEP 008 : Initialize BRMS Device and Media Library Information

Start date/time __________________  Stop date/time __________________  Duration _________________

You must initialize the BRMS device and media library information.

Clear and initialize the BRMS device and media library information with
the tape and media library devices currently configured on the system.

To do so, type the following command then press "Enter".


--- Attention -------------------------------------------------------
INZBRM OPTION(*DEVICE) resets some device information to the BRMS
supplied defaults.

Review the BRMS device information.

To do so, type the following command then press "Enter".


Update the BRMS device information with any changes necessary before
continuing with the recovery.

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