Attention — Excluded Save File or TSM Objects

If you specified *NO for the Use save files (USESAVF) or the Use TSM (USEADSM) parameters of the Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM), and the recovery would normally have included objects saved to these media types, then the Excluded Save File or TSM Objects attention block is added to the prolog to alert you to the fact that recovery items exist for these media types. If a library was saved a month ago to tape media and a week ago to save file or TSM, and the save file and/or TSM saves were excluded, the recovery would select the month old save of the library rather than the later save. If you regularly save to save files or TSM servers, you should probably specify *YES for the above mentioned parameters to assure the recovery includes the most recent saves.

    -----  Attention  ---------------------------------------------------------
This report excludes objects saved to either save files or TSM servers.
Media information is available for either one or both of these media
types. The report may not show the latest level of saved items.
Verify whether you should run the report again including this media.

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