Customizing Label Printing

The source for the three printer files that BRMS uses to create the media labels exists on your system after you install BRMS. The QA1ASRC file in the QUSRBRM library contains the source. There are three members: QP1A1LP, QP1A2LP, and QP1A3LP. These three members can print 6 lines per inch (lpi), 8 lpi, and 9 lpi, respectively.

To change the format of your printer labels, edit the source member that corresponds to the labels that you selected for the media. For example, you can edit with SEU (source entry utility), RLU (report layout utility), or PDM (programming development manager). First you must give the members the correct member type of printer file (PTRF). You can do this within PDM when you are working with members.

When changing the source, do not change the record name, any of the field names, or the order of each field. The print programs depend on these named items being present. You can change the position.

You must add QUSRBRM to your library list and then compile the printer file to the library QBRM. Be sure to specify level check (*NO) on the Create Printer File (CRTPRTF) command.

  Volume serial . . . . . :  ZZZ003
Creation date . . . . . :  3/08/05
Expiration date . . . . :  4/07/05
Location  . . . . . . . :  *HOME
Container . . . . . . . :  *NONE
Text  . . . . . . . . . :  Monthly general ledger summary

Your customized labels should now print successfully.

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