Start of changeRegister Parameter Spaces (QmyRegisterParameterSpaces) API

  Required Parameter Group:

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Service Program: QMYSE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Register Parameter Spaces (QmyRegisterParameterSpaces) API is used to register the request and reply spaces used for storage engine communications.  Only the last spaces registered are retained within a thread if called multiple times.

Within the request and reply structures there are two handle types. 

Object Handles
Object handles represent tables, indexes and queries in DB2. Object handles are made up of two subtypes: shares and instances.

A share represents shared information about a table (and corresponding indexes) across all application connections.

An instance represents a specific instance of a table, index or query. Object instances allow input/output or locks operations. Instances may move across application connections at commit boundaries.

Space Handles
Space handles represent spaces used in replies and requests against the storage engine. These spaces can contain input/output buffers, statements or other information.  These spaces are registered and unregistered via the QmyRegisterSpace and QmyUnregisterSpace APIs.

Authorities and Locks

QMYSE authority

API Public Authority

Required Parameter Group

Request Space

The structure which contains the request.

Relationship between Input Format Name and Input Format

Reply Space

The structure which contains the reply. For the format of the structure, see Request Parameter.

Return Code

The return code from processing the request.Possible values are:

Format Structures

In the following structures, the CCSID of the character field is the job CCSID unless a specific CCSID field is included in the format for the field.

Format QMY_ALLOCATE_INSTANCE (Allocate Instance Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

In-use indicator handle. A space that contains the connection actively using this instance. This will prevent events from closing and reopening the table in that connection.

Share handle. The table or index share to be used for allocating the table or index instance.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Instance handle. The table or index instance handle allocated.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_ALLOCATE_SHARE (Allocate Share Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Count of share definitions. The count of shares definitions.

Format name. The input format.

Format space length. The length of the space to return the table (and indexes) formats.

Returned share handles handle. The space to return the share handles.

Returned format handle. The space to return the table (and indexes) formats. Refer to Object Definition Format for a description of this field.

Schema name. The schema name containing the table (and indexes).

Schema name length. The length of the schema name containing the table (and indexes).

Share definition handle. The space containing share definitions. The first definition is a table definition. Subsequent definitions must be index definitions associated with the table definition. Refer to Share Definition Format for a description of this field.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_CLEANUP (Cleanup Storage Engine Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Format Name. The input format.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_CLOSE_CONNECTION (Close Connection Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection to be closed.

Format name. The input format.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_DEALLOCATE_OBJECT (Deallocate Object Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Dropped object. An indicator of whether the table or index was dropped prior to deallocate. Ignored with the object handle is a query instance. Values passed follow:

Format name. The input format.

Object handle. The table share, index share, table instance, index instance or query instance to be deallocated.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_DELETE_ROW (Delete Row Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Instance handle. The table or index instance to be used. Query instances are not supported.

Relative row number. The relative row number to be deleted. If not currently positioned on this row, the cursor will be repositioned.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_DESCRIBE_CONSTRAINTS (Describe Constraints Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Constraint space length. The length of the space to generate the constraint information.

Format name. The input format.

Object handle. The table share, index share, table instance or index instance to be used.

Returned constraint handle. The space to return the generated constraint information. Refer to Constraint Header Format for a description of this field.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Constraint count. Count of constraints described.

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Required constraint space length. The required space length to return all constraint information if the provided space length was too small.

Format QMY_DESCRIBE_OBJECT (Describe Object Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Object handle. The table share, index share, table instance or index instance to be used.

Return create time. An indicator of whether to return the create time of the object. Values passed follow:

Return deleted row count. An indicator of whether to return the deleted row count. Values passed follow:

Return estimated number of I/Os. An indicator of whether to return the number of I/Os. Values passed follow:

Return object length. An indicator of whether to return the object length. Values passed follow:

Return mean row length. An indicator of whether to return the mean row length. Values passed follow:

Return page count. An indicator of whether to return the page count. Values passed follow:

Return row count. An indicator of whether to return the row count. Values passed follow:

Return rows per key. An indicator of whether to return the rows per key. Values passed follow:

Return time of last modification. An indicator of whether to return the time of the last modification of the object. Values passed follow:

Returned rows per key handle. The space to return the generated rows per key information.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Create time. The create time of the object. Refer to Time Format for a description of this field.

Deleted row count. The deleted row count in the object.

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Estimated number of I/Os. The estimated number of I/Os.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Mean row length. The mean row length of the object.

Object length. The length of the object.

Page count. The page count of the object.

Row count. The row count in the object.

Time of last modification. The time of last modification of the object. Refer to Time Format for a description of this field.

Format QMY_DESCRIBE_RANGE (Describe Range Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Bounds. The range bounds. Refer to Key Bounds Format for a description of this field.

Bounds offset. The offset to the range bounds.

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Cutoff value. The early exit cutoff. Values passed follow:

End byte. The last byte of the partial key.

Format name. The input format.

Key count. The number of keys in the range.

Literal count. The number of literal definitions.

Literal definitions. The literal definitions. Refer to Literal Definition Format for a description of this field.

Literal definitions offset. The offset to the literal definitions.

Literals. The literal values.

Literals offset. The offset to the literal values.

Object handle. The table share, index share, table instance or index instance to be used.

Range handle. The space containing the range information.

Range space length. The length of the space containing the range information.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Number of rows. The estimated number of rows.

Return code. The return code.

Format QMY_EXECUTE_IMMEDIATE (Execute Immediate Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Auto create schema. An indicator of whether a schema should be automatically created if not present. Values passed follow:

Commit level. An indicator of the commitment control level under which to execute the SQL statements. Values passed follow:

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Drop schema statement. An indicator of whether a drop schema statement is being executed. Values passed follow:

Format name. The input format.

Number of statements. The count of SQL statements in the space.

Post-Commit/Post-Rollback. An indicator of whether a commit or rollback should be executed after running the SQL statements. A commit will be executed if no failures occur. A rollback will be executed if failures occur. Values passed follow:

Pre-Commit. An indicator of whether a commit should be executed prior running the SQL statements. Values passed follow:

SQL statements CCSID. The CCSID of the statements in the space.

SQL statements handle. The space containing SQL statements to be executed. Refer to SQL Statement Format for a description of this field.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_INITIALIZATION (Initialize Storage Engine Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

The field descriptions are always in alphabetical order.

Format name. The input format.

RDB name. The RDB name to be associated with the storage engine.

RDB name length. The length of the RDB name to be associated with the storage engine.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_INTERRUPT (Interrupt Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Instance handle. The table, index or query instance to be interrupted.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_LOCK_OBJECT (Lock Object Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Action. The action to perform. Values passed follow:

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Instance handle. The table or index instance to be locked or unlocked. Query instances are not supported.

Lock timeout. The timeout value for the lock action. Ignored for unlock action. Values passed follow:

Lock timeout specified. An indicator of whether a lock action should timeout of wait indefinitely. Ignored for unlock action.

Lock type. The lock type. Values passed follow:

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting Error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_OBJECT_INITIALIZATION (Object Initialization Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Commit level. An indicator of the commitment control level under which to execute the SQL statements. Values passed follow:

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Instance handle. The table or index instance to be locked. Query instances are not supported.

Object Access intent. An indicator of whether the instance will be accessed as read-only or updatable. Values passed follow:

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Input buffer null byte map offset. The offset from the beginning of a row to the null byte map.

Input buffer row offset. The offset from the beginning of a row to the beginning of the next row.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Output buffer null byte map offset. The offset from the beginning of a row to the null byte map.

Output buffer row offset. The offset from the beginning of a row to the beginning of the next row.

Format QMY_OBJECT_OVERRIDE (Object Override Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Buffer handle. The output buffer in which to read rows. Refer to Buffer Format for a description of this field.

Buffer row offset. The offset from the beginning of a row to the beginning of the next row.

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Instance handle. The table, index or query instance to be locked.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_PROCESS_COMMITMENT_CONTROL (Process Commitment Control Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Function. The function to perform. Values passed follow:

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_PROCESS_SAVEPOINT (Process Savepoint Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Function. The function to perform. Values passed follow:

Savepoint name. The savepoint name.

Savepoint name length. The length of the savepoint name.

Savepoint name offset. The offset to the savepoint name.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_PROCESS_XA (Process XA Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Function. The function to perform. Values passed follow:


XID offset. The offset to the XID.

XID length. The length of the XID.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_PREPARE_OPEN_CURSOR (Prepare Open Cursor Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

SQL statement CCSID. The CCSID of the statement in the space.

SQL statement handle. The space containing SQL statement to be executed. Refer to SQL Statement Format for a description of this field.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Input buffer null byte map offset. The offset from the beginning of a row to the null byte map.

Input buffer row offset. The offset from the beginning of a row to the beginning of the next row.

Instance handle. The query instance handle allocated.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Output buffer null byte map offset. The offset from the beginning of a row to the null byte map.

Output buffer row offset. The offset from the beginning of a row to the beginning of the next row.

Format QMY_QUIESCE_OBJECT (Quiesce Object Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Format name. The input format.

Object handle. The table share, index share, table instance or index instance to be used.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_READ_ROWS (Read Rows Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Asynchronous. An indicator of whether the read should be performed asynchronously. Values passed follow:

Buffer handle. The output buffer in which to read rows. Refer to Buffer Format for a description of this field.

Commit level. An indicator of the commitment control level under which to execute the SQL statements. Values passed follow:

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Instance handle. The table, index or query instance to be used.

Key handle. The space containing the key.

Length of key columns. The key value for keyed operations.

Number of key columns. The number of key columns for keyed operations.

Object access intent. An indicator of whether the instance will be accessed as read-only or updatable. Values passed follow:

Orientation. The orientation of the read. Values passed follow:

Pipe descriptor. The write pipe descriptor for asynchronous. Refer to Reply Format for a description of the reply data written to the pipe. Values passed follow:

Relative row number. The relative row number to be read.

Return data. An indicator of whether data should be returned. Values passed follow:

Returned relative row numbers handle. The space in which to return relative row numbers for rows read.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_REORGANIZE_TABLE (Reorganize Table Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Object handle. The table share, index share, table instance or index instance to be used.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_RELEASE_ROW (Release Row Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Instance handle. The table, index or query instance to be used.

Object access intent. An indicator of whether the instance will be accessed as read-only or updatable. Values passed follow:

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_UPDATE_ROW (Update Row Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Buffer handle. The input buffer containing updated rows. Refer to Buffer Format for a description of this field.

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Instance handle. The table or index instance to be used. Query instances are not supported.

Relative row number. The relative row number to be updated. If not currently positioned on this row, the cursor will be repositioned.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Duplicate object length. The length of the object name that caused the duplicate key error.

Duplicate object name. The object name that caused the duplicate key error.

Duplicate object offset. The offset from the beginning of the reply field to the object name that caused the duplicate key error.

Duplicate relative row number. The relative row number that encountered a duplicate key.

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

Format QMY_WRITE_ROWS (Write Rows Format)

The following information is specified in the request parameter section.

Request Field Descriptions

Buffer handle. The input buffer containing rows to be written. Refer to Buffer Format for a description of this field.

Commit level. An indicator of the commitment control level under which to execute the SQL statements. Values passed follow:

Connection. The application connection making the request.

Format name. The input format.

Instance handle. The table or index instance to be used. Query instances are not supported.

The following information is returned in the reply parameter section.

Reply Field Descriptions

Duplicate object length. The length of the object name that caused the duplicate key error.

Duplicate object name. The object name that caused the duplicate key error.

Duplicate object offset. The offset from the beginning of the reply field to the object name that caused the duplicate key error.

Duplicate relative row number. The relative row number that encountered a duplicate key.

Error message ID. If an error occurs this is the message ID associated with the error.

Identity cycles. An indicator of whether the identity column cycles. Values passed follow:

Identity increment. The increment value for the identity column.

Job name detecting error. If an error occurs this is the name of the job detecting the error.

Job number detecting error. If an error occurs this is the number of the job detecting the error.

Job user detecting error. If an error occurs this is the user of the job detecting the error.

New identity value. An indicator of whether a new identity value was generated. Values passed follow:

New identity value. The new identity value used if the table has an identity column.

Parameter Structures

In the following structures, the CCSID of the character field is the job CCSID unless a specific CCSID field is included in the format for the field.

Share Definition Format

Parameter Descriptions

Arrival sequence. An indicator of whether arrival sequence should be used when accessing this object. Values passed follow:

Object name. The object name.

Object name length. The length of the object name.

Object Definition Format

Parameter Descriptions

Column count. The number of columns.

Column definitions offset. The offset to the column definitions. Refer to Share Definition Format for a description of this field.

Identity starting value. The starting value in the object contains an identity column.

Level ID. The level identifier of the object. This is modified when the object is altered.

Column Definition Format

Parameter Descriptions

Byte count. The byte count of the column.

CCSID. The CCSID of the column.

Column offset. The offset from the beginning of the row to the column.

Data type. The data type of the column.

Name Format

Parameter Descriptions

Name. The name.

Name length. The length of the name.

Constraint Header Format

Parameter Descriptions

Constraint. The constraint. Refer to Constraint Format for a description of this field.

Constraint length. The length of the constraint.

Constraint offset. The offset of the constraint.

Constraint type. An indicator of the constraint type. Values passed follow:

Constraint Format

Parameter Descriptions

Constraint name. The constraint name. Refer to Name Format for a description of this field.

Delete method. An indicator of the delete method. Values passed follow:

Key columns offset. The offset to the key columns.

Key count. The key count.

Referenced key columns offset. The offset to the referenced key columns.

Referenced key count. The referenced key count.

Referenced table name. The referenced table name. Refer to Name Format for a description of this field.

Referenced table schema name. The referenced table schema name. Refer to Name Format for a description of this field.

Update method. An indicator of the update method. Values passed follow:

Time Format

Parameter Descriptions

Day. The day.

Hour. The hour.

Minute. The minute.

Month. The month.

Second. The second.

Year. The year.

Key Bound Format

Parameter Descriptions

Inclusion/Exclusion. An indicator of inclusion or exclusion of the value. Values passed follow:

Infinity value. .An indicator of whether the value is infinity. Values passed follow:

Null value. An indicator of whether the value is null. Values passed follow:

Value position. The value position.

Key Bounds Format

Parameter Descriptions

High bound. The high bound. Refer to Key Bound Format for a description of this field.

Low bound. The low bound. Refer to Key Bound Format for a description of this field.

Literal Definition Format

Parameter Descriptions

Literal column number. The column associated with this literal.

Literal data type. The data type of the literal value.

Literal value length. The length of the literal value.

Literal value offset. The offset to the literal value.

Buffer Format

Parameter Descriptions

Max row count. The maximum number of rows that can fit in the buffer.

Used row count. The number of rows currently used in the buffer.

Reply Format

Parameter Descriptions

Cumulative row count. The cumulative number of rows that have been asynchronously read.

Return code. The return code from a single asynchronous read.

SQL Statement Format

Parameter Descriptions

Sort sequence name. The sort sequence name to be used.

Sort sequence schema. The sort sequence schema to be used.

SQL statement. The SQL statement text.

SQL statement length. The length of the SQL statement.

Error Messages

The following messages may be sent from this function:

End of change
API introduced: V6R1 with PTF

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