Retrieve Display File Description (QDFRTVFD) API

  Required Parameter Group:

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: No

The Retrieve Display File Description (QDFRTVFD) API allows you to get specific information about the data description specifications (DDS) definition used to create a display file.

If the returned data does not fill the receiver variable, the contents of the remainder of the variable are not changed.

Authorities and Locks

Library Authority
File Authority
File Lock

Required Parameter Group

Receiver variable

The receiver variable that receives the information requested. You can specify the size of the area smaller than the format requested as long as you specify the length of receiver variable parameter correctly. As a result, the API returns only the data the area can hold.

Length of receiver variable

The length of the receiver variable. If the data available is larger than the length of the receiver variable, the result is truncated. The minimum length is 8 bytes. The actual length of the structure is returned in variable WDFFSIZE in structure QDFFBASE (see the Base File Section (QDFFBASE)).

Format name

The content of the information to be returned about the specified display file. You can use the following format name:

See Format DSPF0100 for a description of these formats.

Qualified file name

The name of the file about which the information is to be extracted and the library in which it is located. The first 10 characters contain the file name. The second 10 characters contain the library name.

The special values for the library name follow:

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Format DSPF0100

Format DSPF0100 provides detailed information about how display files are built. The various structures that comprise the display file information format are organized in the following manner:

The structures for each format follow DSPF0100 Format. The structures include the variable names, field information, and offsets. Unlike many APIs, which use an offset from the beginning of the variable, most QDFRTVFD offsets are relative to the start of a base structure. To determine how to arrive at the data, see the introduction to each structure.

The use of the term optioned in the tables refers to an indicator that controls whether the DDS keyword is in effect or not. For more information about option indicators, see Condition for display files (positions 7 through 16).

The asterisk (*) in the Variable Name column represents a reserved field. No variable is associated with these reserved fields.

DSPF0100 Format provides an overview of format DSPF0100 by showing how this information is organized. The abbreviated names in the figure correspond to the structure names of the tables. The formats are shown by section (for example, base file, file header, record header, and so forth). The keyword formats do not appear in the figure.

DSPF0100 Format

DSPF0100 Format

Base File Formats

The base file formats follow.

Base File Section (QDFFBASE)

Base file structure. This is the first structure and is located at offset zero of the returned data.

Screen Size Table (QDFFSCRA)

Screen ID array. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFFSCR in structure QDFFBASE. This structure is defined at variable WDFFSCRS in structure QDFFBASE. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Sort Sequence Table (QDFFSSEQ)

Sort sequence table information used for the ALTSEQ keyword. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFBASE is at variable WDFFSRSQ in QDFFBASE.

File Formats

File Header Section shows the file section of the overview figure (DSPF0100 Format).

File Header Section

File Header Section

File Header Section (QDFFINFO)

File header structure. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFBASE is at variable WDFFINOF in structure QDFFBASE.

Display-File-Level Device-Dependent Section (QDFFDPDD)

Display device dependent section. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFINFO is at variable WDFFXDOF in QDFFINFO.

Record Format Table (QDFARFTE)

Record format table array. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFFRCS in structure QDFFBASE. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFINFO is at variable WDFFDFLO in QDFFINFO. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Sequence Number Table (QDFFSEQT)

Sequence number table. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFFRCS in structure QDFFBASE. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFINFO is at variable WDFFSEQO in QDFFINFO. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Record Formats

Record Header Section shows the record section of the overview figure (DSPF0100 Format).

Record Header Section

Record Header Section

Record Header Section (QDFFRINF)

Record header section. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFINFO is at variable WDFARFOF in structure QDFARFTE.

Display-Record-Level Device-Dependent Section (QDFFRDPD)

Display device-dependent section for nonsubfile records. Structure QDFFSFCR (Subfile Control Record (QDFFSFCR)) is used when subfiles are specified. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFRINF is an entry in the table at variable WDFFRAOF in QDFFRINF.

Display-Record-Level Device-Dependent Section Extension Structure (QDFFXRDP)

Extension structure. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFRINF is at variable WDFFXRDO in structure QDFFRDPD.

Subfile Control Record (QDFFSFCR)

Display device-dependent section for records specifying subfiles. This structure replaces structure QDFFRDPD when subfiles are specified (variable WDFFSFLC in structure QDFFRINF is set on. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFRINF is an entry in the table at variable WDFFRAOF in QDFFRINF.

Subfile Control Entry (QDFFSFHR)

Subfile control entry in the subfile control record. This structure is defined at variable WDFFSFPM in structure QDFFSFCR. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Subfile Control Record Extension (QDFFSFCREXT)

Subfile control record extension entry in the subfile control record (see structure QDFFSFCR, Subfile Control Record (QDFFSFCR)). Variable WDFFSFLEXTOFF contains the displacement to this structure from structure QDFFSFCR.

Row-Column Table (QDFFRCTB)

Row-column table, one table per screen size. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFRINF is at variable WDFFDRCO in structure QDFFRDPD.

Row-Column Table Entry (QDFFRCTE)

Row-column table with one table entry per field. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFFFLD in structure QDFFRINF. This structure is defined at variable WDFFRC in structure QDFFRCTB. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Field Name Table (QDFFNTB)

Field name table with one field name entry per field. This structure is present when the RTNCSRLOC keyword is specified in the DDS. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFFFLD in structure QDFFRINF. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFRINF is at variable WDFFNRCO in structure QDFFXRDP. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Field Order Table (QDFFOT)

Field order table with one field order entry per field. This structure is present when the USRDFNMGT keyword is specified in the DDS. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFFFLD in structure QDFFRINF. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFRINF is at variable WDFFOTO in structure QDFFXRDP. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Field Indexing Table (QDFFFITB)

Field indexing table. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFFFLD. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFRINF is at variable WDFFOFIT in QDFFRINF. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Field Formats

Field Header Section shows the field section of the overview figure (DSPF0100 Format).

Field Header Section

Field Header Section

Field Header Section (QDFFFINF)

Field header declare. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFRINF is at variable WDFFFOFS in structure QDFFFITB.

Constant Field Header Table (QDFFFCON)

Field header declare for constant fields. This structure is defined at variable WDFFFTBE in structure QDFFFINF.

Named Field Header Table (QDFFFNAM)

Field header declare for named fields. This structure is defined at variable WDFFFTBE in structure QDFFFINF.

Display-Field-Level Device-Dependent Section (QDFFFDPD)

Display device-dependent section. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFFINF is an entry in the table at variable WDFFFAOF in structure QDFFFNAM.

Input-Capable Display Field-Level Device-Dependent Section (QDFFFDIC)

Input-capable display device-dependent section. This structure is used for types X'04' (input) and X'05' (both); see variable WDFFFIOA in structure QDFFFINF. This structure is defined at variable WDFFFICE ) in structure QDFFFDPD.

Field-Dependent Extension Structure (QDFFXFDP)

Field-dependent extension structure. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFFINF is at variable WDFFXFDO in structure QDFFFDPD.

Selection Table (QDFFSELT)

Selection table. The table entries are defined in structure QDFFSTBL (page Selection Table Entry (QDFFSTBL)). The entries in the where-used section (Where-Used Formats) are stored in the same order as the selection table. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFRINF is at variable WDFFSTBO in structure QDFFRINF.

Selection Table Entry (QDFFSTBL)

Selection table entry. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFFSTT in structure QDFFSELT. This structure is defined at variable WDFFSTE in structure QDFFSELT. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Keyword Category Displacement String (QDFFCOSA)

Category displacement string. This structure occurs for each display file-, record-, or field-level section that has keyword structures. For file-level sections, the displacement to this structure is from the beginning of structure QDFFINFO at variable WDFFXDOC) in structure QDFFDPDD. For record-level sections, the displacement to this structure is from the beginning of structure QDFFRINF at variable WDFFRDOC ) in structure QDFFRDPD. For field-level sections, the displacement to this structure is from the beginning of structure QDFFFINF at variable WDFFFDOC) in structure QDFFFDPD.

Keyword Category Displacement String Entry (QDFFCCOA)

Category displacement string array. Each keyword category type that is present in the file, record, or field section has an entry. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFFCCT in structure QDFFCOSA. This structure is defined at variable WDFFCCOS in structure QDFFCOSA. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Keyword Formats

Category 1 (File-Level Keywords)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to the file-level keywords. Not all keywords require a structure. There are no structures for keyword IDs X'01', X'03', and X'0D'. The text associated with the HLPTITLE keyword is contained in variable WDFKFLNM in structure QDFKFLPP.

File-Level Keywords (QDFKFILK)

File-level keywords. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is from variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

File-Level Keyword with Parameters (QDFKFLPM)

File-level keyword with parameters. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFKFIL in structure QDFKFILK. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFILE in structure QDFKFILK. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Category 1 Parameter Entry (QDFKFLPP)

Parameter entries for category 1. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFKFLP in structure QDFKFLPM. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFLEX in structure QDFKFLPM. The structure is ARRAY(*).

MSGLOC Keyword Structure (QDFKFLSZ)

MSGLOC keyword structure. Use this structure for the category 1 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'02' in structure QDFKFLPM (File-Level Keyword with Parameters (QDFKFLPM)). The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFFSCR in structure QDFFBASE. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFLNM in structure QDFKFLPP. The structure is ARRAY(*).

IGCCNV Keyword Structure (QDFKICVP)

IGCCNV keyword structure. Use this structure for the category 1 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'04' in structure QDFKFLPM (File-Level Keyword with Parameters (QDFKFLPM)). This structure is defined at variable WDFKFLNM in structure QDFKFLPP.

Note: The IGCCNV keyword generates additional internal records.

HLPRCD Keyword Structure (QDFKHARD)

HLPRCD keyword structure. Use this structure for the category 1 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'05' in structure QDFKFLPM (File-Level Keyword with Parameters (QDFKFLPM)). This structure is defined at variable WDFKFLNM in structure QDFKFLPP.

HLPPNLGRP Keyword Structure (QDFKHXPS)

HLPPNLGRP keyword structure. Use this structure for the category 1 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'06' in structure QDFKFLPM (File-Level Keyword with Parameters (QDFKFLPM)). This structure is defined at variable WDFKFLNM in structure QDFKFLPP.

HLPDOC Keyword Structure (QDFKHDOC)

HLPDOC keyword structure. Use this structure for the category 1 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'07' in structure QDFKFLPM (File-Level Keyword with Parameters (QDFKFLPM)). This structure is defined at variable WDFKFLNM in structure QDFKFLPP.

HLPSCHIDX Keyword Structure (QDFKSIDX)

HLPSCHIDX keyword structure. Use this structure for the category 1 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'08' in structure QDFKFLPM (File-Level Keyword with Parameters (QDFKFLPM)). This structure is defined at variable WDFKFLNM in structure QDFKFLPP.

ALTNAME Keyword Structure (QDFKFALX)

ALTNAME keyword structure. Use this structure for the category 1 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'0A' in structure QDFKFLPM. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFLNM in structure QDFKFLPP.


ALTNAME keyword entry. This structure is defined at variable WDFKAARY in structure QDFKFALX.

ERRSFL Keyword Structure (QDFKESFL)

ERRSFL keyword structure. Use this structure for the category 1 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'0B' in structure QDFKFLPM (File-Level Keyword with Parameters (QDFKFLPM)). This structure is defined at variable WDFKFLNM in structure QDFKFLPP.

Note: The ERRSFL keyword generates additional internal records.

WDWBORDER Keyword Structure (QDFKBODR)

WDWBORDER keyword structure. Use this structure for the category 1 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'0C' in structure QDFKFLPM (File-Level Keyword with Parameters (QDFKFLPM)). This structure is defined at variable WDFKFLNM in structure QDFKFLPP.

Category 2 (Record-Level Command Key Keywords)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to the record-level command-key keywords. Use structure QDFKCKKE for category 2 keyword IDs X'01' through X'25' and X'30'.

Command Key Keyword Structure (QDFKCKKW)

Structure for command key keywords. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

Command Key Keyword Entries (QDFKCKKE)

Command key keyword array. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFKCKS in structure QDFKCKKW. This structure is defined at variable WDFKCKCM in structure QDFKCKKW. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Note: The following keywords use the first three bytes of the mask field (WDFKCKMA) for the command key mask for the command key associated with the keyword. If the keyword is specified without a command key, a default command key is used. In addition, these keywords use the last byte of WDFKCKMA for a special purpose. The last byte contains the AID byte which is returned when the command key associated with the keyword is pressed. For example, if ALTPAGEDWN is specified as ALTPAGEDWN(CF04), then the last byte of the mask is X'34'. If you need to OR the masks of these keywords with the masks of the other keywords, zero out the last byte of the mask first. The keywords and the AID bytes for the default command keys are:

Category 3 (OVERLAY-Related Keywords and PUTRETAIN)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to the OVERLAY-related keywords and PUTRETAIN. Not all keywords require a structure. There are no structures for keyword IDs X'02', X'03', X'04', X'05', X'06', X'08', and X'09'.

OVERLAY Keyword Structure (QDFKOVRR)

OVERLAY-related keywords. This structure is used if the keyword ID in structure QDFKFLPM (File-Level Keyword with Parameters (QDFKFLPM)) is X'01'. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, and field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

Keyword Structure (QDFKOVRE)

Array structure for keywords. Use this structure for category 3 keywords that have a keyword ID of X'02', X'03', X'04', X'05', X'06', X'08', or X'09'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKOVRT in structure QDFKOVRR. The structure is ARRAY(*).

OVERLAY and PUTRETAIN-Related Keyword Structure (QDFKOVRP)

Structure for OVERLAY and PUTRETAIN-related keywords. Use this structure for category 3 keywords that have a keyword ID of X'01', X'07', X'10', or X'11'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKOVRT in structure QDFKOVRR. The structure is ARRAY(*).

ERASE Keyword Structure (QDFKOLER)

ERASE keyword structure. Use this structure for the category 3 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'10'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKOLEX in structure QDFKOVRP.

CLRL Keyword Structure (QDFKOLCL)

CLRL keyword structure. Use this structure for the category 3 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'11'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKOLEX in structure QDFKOVRP.

Category 4 (Record-Level Miscellaneous Keywords)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to the record-level miscellaneous keywords. Not all keywords require a structure. There are no structures for keyword IDs X'01', X'02', X'03', X'04', X'05', X'06', X'07', X'08', and X'09'.

Note: Keywords INDARA2 and RTNCSRLOC2 are internally generated.

Miscellaneous Record-Level Keywords (QDFKMSRL)

Miscellaneous record-level keywords. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

Parameter Structure (QDFKMSAP)

Array structure for keywords with simple parameters. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMSKW in structure QDFKMSRL. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Response Indicator Keyword Array (QDFKMSCP)

Miscellaneous record-level keywords. Use this structure for category 4 keywords that have a keyword ID of X'10', X'11', X'0F', or X'13'. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFRINF is at variable WDFFINDO in structure QDFFRINF.

CSRLOC Keyword Structure (QDFKMSK1)

Remaining portion of CSRLOC keyword. Use this structure for a category 4 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'10'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMSEX in structure QDFKMSCP.

INDARA Keyword Structure (QDFKMSK2)

Remaining portion of INDARA keyword. Use this structure for a category 4 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'11'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMSEX in structure QDFKMSCP.

DSPMOD Keyword Structure (QDFKMSK3)

Remaining portion of DSPMOD keyword. Use this structure for a category 4 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'0F'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMSEX in structure QDFKMSCP.


Remaining portion of RTNCSRLOC and RTNCSRLOC2 keywords. Use this structure for a category 4 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'15'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMSEX in structure QDFKMSCP.


Remaining portion of MNUBARDSP. Use this structure for a category 4 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'16'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMSEX in structure QDFKMSCP.

Category 6 Keywords (Record-Level Keywords)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to category 6 keywords. Both of these keyword IDs require a structure.

Record-level Keywords with selection array index (QDFRCAT06).

Record-level keywords with only an index into the selection table. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

Category 0B Keywords (File-Level Keywords with Parameters)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to category 0B keywords. Both of these keyword IDs require a structure.

File-Level Keywords with Parameters Structure (QDFK0BPR)

File-level keywords with parameters. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

File-Level Keyword Structure (QDFK0BXWP)

File-level keyword structure. This structure is defined at variable WDFK0BKW in structure QDFK0BPR.

GRDATR Parameter Structure (QDFK0BGATR)

GRDATR parameter structure. Use this structure for category 0B keywords that have a keyword ID of X'01'. The structure is defined at variable WDFK0BPEX in structure QDFK0BXWP.

HLPSHELF Parameter Structure (QDFKHBKPRM)

Structure for HLPSHELF parameters. Use this structure for category 0B keywords that have a keyword ID of X'02'. The structure is defined at variable WDFK0BPEX in structure QDFK0BXWP.

Category 17 (Record-Level Miscellaneous Keywords with Parameters)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to the record-level miscellaneous keywords with parameters. Not all keywords require a structure. There are no structures for keyword IDs X'03', X'04', and X'05'.

Note: HLP is an internal keyword generated when an H-specification is specified.

Miscellaneous Record-Level Structure (QDFKMRPR)

Miscellaneous record-level with parameters. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

Miscellaneous Record-Level Keywords (QDFKMRWP)

Miscellaneous record-level keywords. This structure is defined at variable WDFKRPKW in structure QDFKMRPR. The structure is ARRAY(*).

HLP Keyword Structure (QDFKHSTR)

Remaining portion of H-specification. Use this structure for a category 17 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'01'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMPEX in structure QDFKMRWP.

Note: HLP is an internal keyword generated when an H-specification is specified.

HLP Keyword Entry Structure (QDFKHPRM)

Entry for the internal HLP keyword. The total number of entries is contained in variable WDFKH in structure QDFKHSTR. This structure is defined at variable WDFKHV in structure QDFKHSTR. Displacements to subsequent entries are calculated using variable WDFKHOFS in structure QDFKHSTR. The structure is ARRAY(*).

HLPRCD Keyword Structure (QDFKHNMS)

HLPRCD keyword structure. This structure is present only if variable WDFKHPRD in structure QDFKHPRM is set on. This structure is defined at variable WDFKHVAR in structure QDFKHPRM.

HLPPNLGRP Keyword Structure (QDFKHPS)

HLPPNLGRP keyword structure. This structure is present only if variable WDFKHPNL in structure QDFKHPRM is set on. This structure is defined at variable WDFKHVAR in structure QDFKHPRM.

HLPDOC Keyword Structure (QDFKHRDC)

HLPDOC keyword structure. This structure is present only if variable WDFKHPDC in structure QDFKHPRM is set on. This structure is defined at variable WDFKHVAR in structure QDFKHPRM.

HLPARA Keyword Structure (QDFKHARA)

HLPARA keyword structure. This structure is repeated for each display size specified. The number of display sizes is defined by variable WDFFSCR in structure QDFFBASE. This structure is defined at variable WDFKHARO in structure QDFKHPRM. The structure is ARRAY(*).

HLPARA Keyword Enhanced Display Structure (QDFKHARX)

HLPARA enhanced display mapping. This structure is present only if variable WDFKHPRD in structure QDFKHPRM is on. This structure is defined at variable WDFKHEXT in structure QDFKHARA.

HLPSEQ Keyword Structure (QDFKHSEQ)

Remaining portion of HLPSEQ. Use this structure for a category 17 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'02'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMPEX in structure QDFKMRWP.

PRINT Keyword Structure (QDFKPRTR)

PRINT keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 17 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'06'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMPEX in structure QDFKMRWP.

Record-Level Print Parameters (QDFKPPRM)

Record-level print parameters. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMPEX in structure QDFKMRWP.

WDWBORDER Keyword Structure (QDFKBRDR)

WDWBORDER keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 17 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'07'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMPEX in structure QDFKMRWP.

Window Data Array Structure (QDFKWDTA)

Window data array. Use this structure for a category 17 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'08'. There is one array entry for each display size specified. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMPEX in structure QDFKMRWP. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Window Title Structure (QDFKWDWTTL)

Window title structure. This structure is defined at variable WDFKRPKW in structure QDFKMRPR.

Mouse Button Structure (QDFKMB)

Mouse button structure. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMPEX in structure QDFKMRWP.

Category 18 (SFL Control Keywords)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to the following:

Not all keywords require a structure. There are no structures for keyword IDs X'01', X'02', X'03', X'04', X'05', X'06', X'07', X'08', and X'09'.

SFL Keyword Structure (QDFKSCSF)

SFL keyword structure. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

SFL Keyword Entry (QDFKSCCP)

SFL keyword entry. This structure is defined at variable WDFKSCSE in structure QDFKSCSF.

SFLMSG and SFLMSGID Keyword Structure (QDFKSCSM)

Structure for SFLMSG and SFLMSGID keywords. Use this structure for a category 18 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'0D' or X'0E'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKSCEX in structure QDFKSCCP.

SFLMSGID Keyword Structure (QDFKSCSI)

SFLMSGID keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 18 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'0E'. The first three fields are specified. If the user does not specify a library, *LIBL is the default. This structure is defined at variable WDFKSCTX in structure QDFKSCSM.

SFLEND(*MORE) Keyword Structure (QDFKSFLM)

SFLEND(*MORE) keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 18 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'0F'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKSCEX in structure QDFKSCCP.

SFLEND(*SCRBAR) Keyword Structure (QDFKSFLS)

SFLEND(*SCRBAR) keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 18 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'12'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKSCEX in structure QDFKSCCP.


SFLCSRRRN keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 18 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'10'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKSCEX in structure QDFKSCCP.

SFLMODE Keyword Structure (QDFKMODE)

SFLMODE keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 18 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'11'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKSCEX in structure QDFKSCCP.

Category 20 (Screen-Attribute-Related Keywords)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to the screen-attribute-related keywords. None of these keyword IDs require a structure.

Screen Attribute Keyword Structure (QDFKSASA)

Structure for screen attribute keywords. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

Screen Attribute Keyword Array (QDFKSAPM)

Array of screen attribute keywords. This structure is defined at variable WDFKSASE in structure QDFKSASA. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Category 21 Keywords

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to category 21 keywords. All of these keyword IDs require a structure.

FFW and FCW Keyword Structure (QDFKFFWR)

Structure for field format word (FFW) and field control word (FCW) keywords. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the section is an entry in the table at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

FFW Keyword Structure (QDFKCHKP)

Structure for FFW-related keywords. Use this structure for category 21 keywords that have keyword IDs of X'01', X'02', X'03', X'04', and X'05'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFWEN in structure QDFKFFWR. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Category 22 (Miscellaneous Field-Level Keywords)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to miscellaneous field-level keywords. Not all keywords require a structure. There are no structures for keyword IDs X'01', X'02', X'03', X'04', X'05', X'06' and X'07'.

Miscellaneous Field-Level Keyword Structure (QDFKMFDK)

Miscellaneous field-level keywords. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

Field-Level Keyword Structure (QDFKMFDP)

Field-level keyword parameters. The number of keyword parameters is contained in variable WDFKMFS in structure QDFKMFDK. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMFEN in structure QDFKMFDK.

Response Indicator Structure (QDFKMFRS)

Response indicator. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMFEX in structure QDFKMFDP.

ERRMSG and ERRMSGID Keyword Structure (QDFKMFEM)

Structure for ERRMSG and ERRMSGID keywords. Use this structure for category 22 keywords that have keyword IDs of X'15' and X'16'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMFEE in structure QDFKMFRS.

ERRMSGID Keyword Structure (QDFKMFSI)

ERRMSGID keyword structure. Use this structure for category 22 keywords that have a keyword ID of X'16'. The first three fields are specified. If the user does not specify library, *LIBL is the default. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMFTX in structure QDFKMFEM.

MSGID Keyword Common Structure (QDFKMFMV)

MSGID keyword structure. Use this structure for category 22 keywords that have a keyword ID of X'10'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMFEX in structure QDFKMFDP.

Type Three MSGID Keyword Structure (QDFKMFM3)

Structure for MSGID keyword when variable WDFKMFMM in structure QDFKMFMV equals X'03'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMFMX in structure QDFKMFMV.

Type Four MSGID Keyword Structure (QDFKMFM4)

Structure for MSGID(*NONE) keyword when variable WDFKMFMM in structure QDFKMFMV equals X'04'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMFEX in structure QDFKMFDP.

DSPATR Keyword Structure (QDFKDFLD)

DSPATR keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 22 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'17'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMFEX in structure QDFKMFDP.

DATTIMFMT Keyword Structure (QDFK_DATTIM_Format)

The DATFMT or TIMFMT keyword structure. Use this category 22 keyword structure for ID X'18'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMFEX in structure QDFKMFDP.

DATTIMSEP Keyword Structure (QDFK_DATTIM_Separator)

The DATSEP or TIMSEP keyword structure. Use this category 22 keyword structure for ID X'19'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMFEX in structure QDFKMFDP.

DATE Keyword Structure (QDFK_DATEP)

The DATE (with parameters) keyword structure. Use this category 22 keyword structure for ID X'1A'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMFEX in structure QDFKMFDP.

MAPVAL Keyword Structure (QDFK_MAPVAL)

The MAPVAL keyword structure. Use this category 22 keyword structure for ID X'1B'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKMFEX in structure QDFKMFDP.

Category 23 (DFT Keyword)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to the DFT keyword. Not all keywords require a structure. There are no structures for keyword IDs X'01' and X'03'.

Category 23 Keyword Structure (QDFKDFT)

Category 23 keyword structure. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

Category 23 Keyword Parameters (QDFKDFPM)

Category 23 keyword parameters. This structure is defined at variable WDFKDFPE in structure QDFKDFT. Displacements to subsequent entries are calculated using variable WDFKDFLN in this structure. The structure is ARRAY(*).

MSGCON Keyword Structure (QDFKDFMM)

MSGCON keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 23 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'02'. All three fields are specified. This structure follows variable WDFKDFDF in structure QDFKDFPM.

HTML Keyword Structure (QDFKDFHTML)

HTML keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 23 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'04'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKDFDF in structure QDFKDFPM.

Category 24 (Field-Level Editing and Time Keywords)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to the field-level editing and time keywords.

EDIT Keyword Structure (QDFKEDTR)

Structure for editing date and time type keywords. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, and field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

EDIT Keyword Structure (QDFKEDTP)

EDIT keyword structure. Use this structure for category 24 keywords that have keyword IDs of X'01' and X'02'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKEDKW in structure QDFKEDTR. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Category 25 (GET Validation Keywords)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to the GET validation keywords.

Validity Checking Keyword Structure (QDFKVAKW)

Structure for validity-checking type keywords. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

Validity Checking Keywords (QDFKVARL)

Validity-checking type keywords. Use this structure for category 25 keywords that have keyword IDs of X'01' through X'11'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKVACK in structure QDFKVAKW.

CHKMSGID Keyword Structure (QDFKCKMI)

CHKMSGID keyword structure. This structure is present if variable WDFKCMID in structure QDFKVARL is on. This structure is defined at variable WDFKAPRM in structure QDFKVARL.

Category 26 (Field-Level Keywords for CUA Constructs)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to field-level keywords for Common User Access® (CUA®) constructs. All of these keyword IDs require a structure.

Note: CHCFLD is generated internally whenever the CHOICE, MNUBARCHC, or PSHBTNCHC keyword is specified.

Field-Level CUA Keyword Structure (QDFKFCPR)

Structure for field-level CUA keywords with parameters. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

Field-Level CUA Keywords (QDFKFC)

CUA keyword structure. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFCKW in structure QDFKFCPR. The structure is ARRAY(*).

CHCFLD Keyword Structure (QDFKCHC)

CHCFLD keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 26 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'01'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFCEX in structure QDFKFC.

CHCFLD Keyword Header Expansion Structure (QDFKCHCHDREXP)

CHCFLD header expansion structure. If bit WDFFCHCHDHEXP in structure QDFFXFDP is on, this structure is used. This structure is defined at variable WDFKCHCS in structure QDFKCHC.

Choice Entry Structure (QDFKCHCE)

Choice entry structure. Use this structure for a category 26 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'01'. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFKCHCCT in structure QDFKCHC. This structure is defined at variable WDFKCHCS in structure QDFKCHC. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Choice Text Structure (QDFKCTXT)

Choice text structure. The length of the text is in the fixed choice entry string (variable WDFKCTXTL in structure QDFKCHCE). The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFKCHCE is at variable WDFKCTXTO in QDFKCHCE.

CHCACCEL Keyword Structure (QDFKCACC)

CHCACCEL keyword structure. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFKCHCE is at variable WDFKCACCO in QDFKCHCE.

CHCCTL Keyword Structure (QDFKCMSG)

CHCCTL keyword structure. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFKCHCE is at variable WDFKCCTLO in QDFKCHCE.


MNUBARSEP keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 26 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'02'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFCEX in structure QDFKFC.

Choice Keywords Structure (QDFKCHCX)

Structure for CHCAVAIL, CHCSLT, and CHCUNAVAIL keywords. Use this structure for category 26 keywords that have keyword IDs of X'03', X'04', and X'05'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFCEX in structure QDFKFC.


ENTFLDATR keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 26 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'06'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFCEX in structure QDFKFC.


FLDCSRPRG keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 26 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'07'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFCEX in structure QDFKFC.

CNTFLD Keyword Structure (QDFKCNTFLD)

CNTFLD keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 26 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'08'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFCEX in structure QDFKFC.

EDTMSK Keyword Structure (QDFKEDTMSK)

EDTMSK keyword structure. Use this structure for a category 26 keyword that has a keyword ID of X'09'. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFCEX in structure QDFKFC.

EDTMSK Keyword Segment Structure (QDFKEDTSEG)

Segment structure for EDTMSK keyword. This structure is defined at variable WDFKEDMSEG in structure QDFKEDTMSK.

SFLCHCCTL Message Structure (QDFKSMSG)

SFLCHCCTL message structure. This structure is defined at variable WDFKFCEX in structure QDFKFC.

Category 27 Keywords (Record-Level Grid Keywords with Parameters)

The following table shows the keyword ID that corresponds to category 27 keywords. All of these keyword IDs require a structure.

Record-Level Grid Keywords with Parameters Structure (QDFKGRPR)

Record-level grid keywords with parameters. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of the appropriate section (file, record, or field) is at variable WDFFCAOF in structure QDFFCCOA.

Record-Level Grid Keywords (QDFKGRWP)

Record-level grid keywords. This structure is defined at variable wdfkgrkw in structure QDFKGRPR.


GRDATR parameters. Use this structure for category 27 keywords that have a keyword ID of X'01'. The structure is defined at variable WDFKGPEX in structure QDFKGRWP.

GRDCLR Parameters Structure (QDFKGRDCLR)

GRDCLR parameters structure. Use this structure for category 27 keywords that have a keyword ID of X'02'. The structure is defined at variable WDFKGPEX in structure QDFKGRWP. The structure is ARRAY(*).


GRDBOX parameters. Use this structure for category 27 keywords that have a keyword ID of X'03'. The structure is defined at variable WDFKGPEX in structure QDFKGRWP.

GRDBOX Parameter Entry Structure (QDFKGBOXDFM)

GRDBOX parameter entry structure. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFFSCR in structure QDFFBASE. This structure is defined at variable WDFKGBOXD in structure QDFKGRDBOX. This structure is ARRAY(*).

GRDLIN Parameters Structure (QDFKGRDLIN)

GRDLIN parameters structure. Use this structure for category 27 keywords that have a keyword ID of X'04'. The structure is defined at variable WDFKGPEX in structure QDFKGRWP.

GRDLIN Parameter Entry Structure (QDFKGLINDFM)

GRDLIN parameter entry structure. The number of entries in this structure is defined by variable WDFFSCR in structure QDFFBASE. This structure is defined at variable WDFKGLIND in structure QDFKGRDLIN. This structure is ARRAY(*).

Where-Used Formats

Where-Used Section shows the where-used section of the overview figure (DSPF0100 Format).

Where-Used Section

Where-Used Section

Where-Used File-Level Information Structure (QDFWFLEI)

The tables in this section can be used to map to the row-column table to determine the corresponding entry in the applicable keyword table. (For the row-column table, see structure QDFFRCTB on Row-Column Table (QDFFRCTB).) The where-used entries appear from left to right and top to bottom. The keyword entries appear in the same order as defined by the user.

File level information. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFFINFO is at variable WDFFWUOF in QDFFINFO.

Where-Used Record Information Structure (QDFWRCDI)

Record-level information. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFWFLEI is at variable WDFWXLEN in QDFWFLEI. Displacements to subsequent structures are calculated using WDFWNXTR in this structure.

Where-Used Field Information Structure (QDFWFLDI)

Field-level information (including constants). The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFWRCDI is at variable WDFWRLEN in QDFWRCDI. Displacements to subsequent structures are calculated using WDFWFLDL in this structure.

Indicator Table Entry Structure (QDFWITBE)

Indicator table entry. These entries are obtained from the keywords and their values. This structure is defined at variable WDFWINDX in structure QDFWFLEI and variable WDFWINDR in structure QDFWRCDI.

Keyword Area Structure (QDFWKWDA)

Keyword area. For file-level keywords, this structure is defined at variable WDFWXOKW in structure QDFWFLEI. For record-level keywords, this structure is defined at variable WDFWROKW in structure QDFWRCDI. For field-level keywords, this structure is defined at variable WDFWFOKW in structure QDFWFLDI.

Keyword Entry Structure (QDFWATTR)

Keyword entries. Keyword Types shows the keyword types that correspond to the keyword entries and the specific structure that each keyword type uses. This figure also shows which keyword types do not require a structure.

Keyword Types

This structure is defined at variable WDFWKWDS in structure QDFWKWDA. The structure is ARRAY(*).

Variable Length Structure (QDFWATYP)

Variable length structure. This structure is defined at variable WDFWPRMS in structure QDFWATTR, or this structure is an array defined at variable WDFWBPRM in structure QDFWBTYP (where the number of entries is WDFWATS).

Multiple Variable Length Structure (QDFWBTYP)

Multiple variable length structure. This structure is defined at variable WDFWPRMS in structure QDFWATTR.

Reference Information Structure (QDFWRSTR)

Reference information. This structure is defined at variable WDFWAPRM in structure QDFWATYP.

Name Table Structure (QDFFNTBL)

Name table. Internally generated fields begin with *IN and end with 2 digits, such as, *IN03 and *IN27. The displacement to this structure from the beginning of structure QDFWFLEI is at variable WDFWNTBO in QDFWFLEI.

Error Messages

API introduced: V2R2

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