Key Groups for Problem Log APIs

Key Use for Problem Log APIs

This section describes keys applicable for the following Problem Log APIs:

Key Utilization Matrix

Key Group 0000-General Problem Log Entries

This group is required for all problem entries.

This section contains the following keys:

For more details about the fields in the following table, see Field Descriptions.

Key 1--Problem Log ID

Key 1 is required to identify the entry to which data will be added. Key 1 has the following uses:

Note: The problem log output parameter provided on the Create Problem Log Entry API is returned in the key 1 format.

Key 2--Problem Type

This key is used to:

Key 3--Problem Status

Defines the status of the problem log. The problem statuses are OPENED, READY, SENT, ANSWERED, VERIFIED, and CLOSED. PREPARED status implies that the problem log contains data that enables it to be sent to a service provider. The status is incremental. This means that the problem log entry contains the minimum level of data required for the problem to achieve such a status. PREPARED may be applied anytime after a problem has been opened and before it is closed.

Key 6001 is required with this key to record that the problem status has been changed. The status can be created, changed, or retrieved.

Key 4--User Assigned

Defines to whom the problem has been assigned.

This entry can be created, changed, or retrieved.

Key 5--Problem Origin System

Defines the system on which this problem log entry originated. The system may be local (this system) or remote (another system). If the Create location field is set to local, the Create Problem Log Entry API automatically adds the following groups of fields:

This entry can only be created and retrieved.

Key 6--Operational Data

This key provides operational information about the problem entry.

All fields, except the Time added field and the When closed fields, can be created, changed, deleted, or retrieved. The time fields are added automatically by the Create and Change Problem Log Entry APIs, respectively.

Key 7--Filter Control

Key 8--Answer Codes

Contains the answer that was received when the problem was sent to a service provider.

Key Group 1000--Problem Description Entries

This group creates, changes, and retrieves problem description entries.

To locate the key of your need, click one of the following:

Key 1001--Problem Severity

This key defines the impact of the problem on the environment. This key is required for PREPARED status.

This entry can be created, changed, and retrieved.

For more details about the fields in the following table, see Field Descriptions.

Key 1002--Problem Description Message

This key may be used where a message is used to describe the problem. If a message is not used, use key 3001 (text entry) to provide a description of the problem. Either key 1002 or 3001 is required. This key is required when the problem type is machine detected. This entry can be created, changed, or retrieved.

Key 1003--Problem Creation Data

This is required for machine detected problem types and is optional for other problem types. This entry can be created, changed, or retrieved.

Key 1004--Reporting Device

This key provides data that defines the machine that contains the failing hardware. This data is required for a problem to achieve READY status, since it contains the machine that a problem or PTF order will be reported against.

This entry can be created, changed, or retrieved.

Key 1005--Failing Resource

This key contains data that defines the object that is failing. Hardware that can fail includes a machine, a feature, or a component of the machine. To an observer they might appear the same: they both have a type, a serial number, and a model. The major distinction is whether you have a maintenance contract.

For example, you can report a problem on a tape device 6366, but you cannot report a problem on an IOP feature number 2615. The 2615 is part of system machine type 9406. A problem can be reported against 9406 because it has a maintenance contract. This entry can be created, changed, or retrieved. Where a program object is failing, the product data is also added. Otherwise it must be blank.

Key 1006--Reporting Code

Data that defines the program object that is failing or the object against which the problem will be reported. For example, the licensed internal code of a feature, such as an IOA, is the product on which the problem will be reported. It is the program object with a maintenance contract.

Key 1007--Problem Analysis Data

This key contains the post problem analysis results. The reference code description data defines the program that isolated the error and provides a reference to an object that contains detailed data describing the failure.

This key is required to move a machine detected problem to READY status. It is optional with other problem types. The entry can be created, changed, or retrieved.

Key 1008--Fix Verification Status

The key that data that defines the status of the verification attempt.

The problem must be in SENT or ANSWERED status to append this data. This entry can be created, changed, or retrieved.

Key 1009--Fix Recovery Status

This key contains data that defines status of the recovery attempt.

The problem must be in SENT or ANSWERED status to append this data. This entry can be created, changed, or retrieved.

Key 1010--Symptom String

This key contains data that is used to search a data base for the existence of a problem.

The problem must be READY status to append this data. A problem cannot be moved to PREPARED status without this key. This entry can be created, changed, or retrieved. It is not allowed on problem type 3, PTF order.

Key 1011--PTF Media Selection

This key contains data that is used to define the type of media on which a PTF should be delivered. The type of media is defined by the media type and the machine type on which the media is installed.

Note: If the machine type and model are unknown, zeros must be used for these fields.

A problem cannot be moved to PREPARED status without this key.

Key 1012--Problem Category

This key contains data that is used to define the category of a problem.

Key 1013--Client Information

This key contains data that defines the failing software on a personal computer.

Key 1014--First Failure Data Capture

This key contains data that is used to indicate the number of times a problem has recurred. The data contains the program that detected the failure and a description of the product.

Key 1015--Query Status

An indicator of the results of a query of the problem log status.

Key 1016--Hardware Location Information

This key indicates the physical location of the hardware for frame ID and device locations.

Key Group 2000--FRU Entries

This key group provides information about field replaceable unit (FRU). This group can only be used with machine-detected problem types. Keys 2001 through 2009 use a header to define the FRU type, probability, FRU code, and message identifier for the FRU.

Click one of the following to find your key:

Key 2000--Number of FRU Entries to Work with

This key deletes or retrieves all FRU entries or all FRU entries of a class.

For more details about the fields in the following table, see Field Descriptions.

Key 2001--Device FRU Type

This defines the data required to create a FRU entry for a device or feature. Device here can also be a feature code. The device data defines the device or feature.

Key 2002--Code FRU Type

This defines the data required to create a FRU entry for code. Code may be a product, a program, or a module.

Key 2003--Media FRU Type

This defines the data required to create a FRU entry for media. The device data defines the device on which the media, such as tape or diskette, was installed.

Key 2004--User FRU Type

This defines the data required to define a problem resulting from a user action.

Key 2005--FRU Name

This defines the data required to create a list of up to six parts that could be failing. The parts are identified by their part numbers and location.

Key 2006--Attached FRU

This defines the data required to create a list of up to six parts that could be failing. The parts are identified by their part numbers and location.

This FRU defines parts that are attached to I/O adapters or I/O processors.

Key 2007--Configuration FRU

This key defines an error in the configuration of a device. It provides the name of a panel that may be displayed defining a problem.

Key 2008--General FRU

This defines a FRU that is not of one of the other classes of FRUs. It provides the name of a panel that may be displayed defining a problem.

Key 2009--Channel Attached FRU

Key Group 3000--Text Entries

This key group creates, retrieves, and changes problem text entries. It provides access to text that defines, describes, or tracks a problem.

To get to the key of your need, click one of the following:

Key 3000--Text Entry

Retrieves text about a problem. Either all text associated with the problem or specified text can be retrieved. The text types associated with the problem are:

For more details about the fields in the following table, see Field Descriptions.

Key 3001--Text Entry

Allows the user to create or change data about a problem. The user is responsible for the content and format.

To create a text entry, provide the length of text to add. The text is referenced by a pointer and the coded character set identifier. A pointer, defined in key 3001 (Text entry), points to the beginning of the data.

To change the data, a retrieve, although not required, should be performed first. Data provided on the change API overlays the data previously in the entry. The data is changed by providing the data as done in a create. To effectively delete the data set, set Text length to 0. This entry can be created, changed, or retrieved.

Key Group 4000-Supporting Data Entries

This key group maintains a list of files that contain supplemental data about a problem. The data is contained in spooled or database files. The name and location of the files is maintained by this key group.

To get to the key of your need, click one of the following:

Key 4000--Supporting Data Entries

This key retrieves and deletes all entries or all entries of a type, spooled or database files, associated with a specific problem. Spooled files are processed using key 4001 and database files are processed using key 4002. Deleting a specific entry is not supported. This entry can be used by the delete and retrieve API.

Key 4001--Spooled File Data

This key contains the name of a spooled file that is associated with the problem log entry.

This key is used to add or create an entry. It is also used to return the results of a retrieve operation.

To add or create an entry, use this key to define each spooled file to be associated with the problem. New entries are added to the file.

To change an entry it must be deleted first then a new one added.

A retrieve is done by passing key 4000 and defining type 1. All spooled file entries are returned, a key 4001 (spooled file data) for each. The entry is used by the Add and Create Problem Log Entry APIs.

Key 4002--File Data

This key contains the name of a data base file that is associated with the problem log entry.

This key is used to add or create an entry. It is also used to return the results of a retrieve operation.

To add or create an entry, use key 4002 (file data) to define each spooled file to be associated with the problem. New entries are added to the file.

To change an entry it must be deleted first then a new ones added.

A retrieve is done by passing key 4000 and defining type 2. All data base file entries are returned, a key 4002 (file data) for each.

Key Group 5000--Contact Entries

This key group provides information about the contact.

This section contains the following keys:

Key 5000--Contact Entries

Allows the retrieval of contact information, local, remote, or both. A key 5001 (Contact information) entry is returned for each of the contact entries. This can be used by the Retrieve Problem Log Entry API.

For more details about the fields in the following table, see Field Descriptions.

Key 5001--Contact Information

Allows creating or changing a contact entry. To create or change an entry:

Key Group 6000--Problem History Entries

This key group provides problem history structures.

This section includes the following keys:

Key 6000--History Information

This key retrieves all or the last history entry. Key 6001 (history information) is returned for each history entry. Entries are returned starting with the latest entry.

For more details about the fields in the following table, see Field Descriptions.

Key 6001--History Information

History entries should be added to the file in logical event sequence and must be added each time the problem log entry is created, changed, or elements are deleted. The create and add APIs add the entries in the sequence the key 6001 (history information) are supplied to the API. No verification is made of the logical order of the events. All entries that are added in the context of one API call have the same date and time. The API adds the date and time.

Once entered the event may not be changed or deleted. Change control is provided to allow optional data, change request name, and change request number to be added when needed.

Key Group 7000--PTF Entries

This key group provides program temporary fix (PTF) information.

This section contains the following keys:

Key 7000--PTF Entry

Allows a user to retrieve or delete all PTF entries.

On a retrieve operation it defines the number of entries returned on a retrieve operation.

On a delete operation, all the PTF entries are deleted. Number of entries has no significance during delete.

For more details about the fields in the following table, see Field Descriptions.

Key 7001--PTF ID

This key defines the program temporary fix (PTF) identifier. On add or create operations, all fields must be filled in.

On a retrieve operation, this key defines which PTF to retrieve. A PTF is identified by the PTF ID, product, version, release, and modification.

PTF entries are always added to the end of the list.

To change a PTF entry, the key control should be used to identify the field being changed. The PTF ID may not be changed.

Note: Ensure that the correct PTF entry is being changed. The SNDPTFORD command creates entries that use special values for the product data. Non-IBM® products may use the same PTF ID for different releases or different vendors may use the same PTF ID. It may be necessary to retrieve, delete, and add new PTF entries where there are multiple PTFs with the same PTF ID, but different product data, are encountered. This exposure only exists with non-IBM PTFs since IBM PTFs have unique PTF identifiers.

Key 7002--PTF ID

On a create operation, all fields must be provided.

On a change operation, only the fields identified by the Key control field are processed.

On a retrieve operation, the PTF ordering options are returned.

Key Group 8000--Analyzed Error Entries

This key group provides analyzed error flag information.

Key 8000-Analyzed Error Flag: This key retrieves a value that indicates whether SLIC analyzed the problem.

Key Group 9000--Logical Partition ID Entries

This key group provides logical partition ID information.

Key 9000-Logical Partition ID: This key retrieves the current logical partition ID on the physical machine.

Field Descriptions for Key Groups for Problem Log APIs

Address. Internet address of the client in dotted form. For example:

Address line 1. The first line of the address.

Address line 2. The second line of the address.

Address line 3. The third line of the address.

Address type. The format of the unit address, which is numeric value that represents the hardware type. Valid values are as follows:

Alert status. Valid values are:

Alternative electronic mail address. The electronic mail (e-mail) address to receive problem-related data, if the primary e-mail address is not available.

Alternative FAX number. The backup FAX number to receive problem-related data.

Analyzed error flag. Indicates whether the error has been analyzed by SLIC.

Answer code assigned. The code that is assigned corresponds to a message that describes the answer given to the problem. The values are:

Answer code returned. The code that is assigned corresponds to a message that describes the answer given the service requester regarding the problem. See the answer code assigned field for list of values.

APAR library. The name of the library containing the saved APAR data for this problem. The library, if present, contains spooled and database files. This data is collected automatically or by the Restore APAR Data (RSTAPARDTA) or Save APAR Data (SAVAPARDTA) commands. The library is deleted when the problem log entry is deleted.

Auto PAR. Defines if problem analysis procedures were automatically run for this problem.

Auto notify. Defines if the problem has been automatically reported to a service provider.

Board number. The number of the back plane card on this bus.

Bus number. The number of the bus.

Call central site support. It will be used to indicate that a customer want their Central Site Support desk called by the CE or the Product Support center. The call central site support options available are:

Card location. The physical location of the card.

Card number. The number derived from the slot number (the logical address is assigned to the card slot).

Card position. Physical location where the device or feature is plugged into the bus.

Change request name. The name assigned, by the user, when submitting a change request.

Change request number. The sequence number of the change request.

Check. Indicates whether checking is performed on the service requester system to determine if PTFs are ordered based on whether or not the PTF product is installed or supported. Possible values are:

Note: *NO must be specified when 1 (Cover letter only) is specified for PTF order type.

City or locality. The city or locality of the postal address.

Class of FRU. The class of FRU entries to process. The values are:

All FRUs can only be used on a retrieve operation.

Client ID. Name of the client.

Client ID length. Length of the client ID data.

Code. A code that defines the network address type.

Coded character set identifier (CCSID). A code that describes the character set of the text. This value should be changed each time data is written and the value must agree with the CCSID of the data. If this value is 0 on a create operation, the API uses the job CCSID.

Contract identifier 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The contract identifer. The following special values might be returned:

Contract description 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The contract description is returned as UTF8. The following special values might be returned:

Contact information. Data describing the PC contact.

Contact information count. The number of 5001 keys that are returned by the retrieve operation.

Contact information length. Length of the contact information data. If it is a local contact information record, it is the local corporation name, or else it is the remote system corporation name.

Contact type. Origin of contact information, local or remote. The values are:

Corporation name. Name of company that depends on the entry type.

Count. Number of times the problem has been detected.

Country or region. The country or region of the postal address.

Create date and time. Time the problem log entry was created and added by the API. It is in format CYYMMDDHHMMSS. Ignored if the create was local.

Create location. Defines where problem was created. The values are:

Creator of entry. Defines the function that created the entry.

Customer identifier 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The customer identifier. The following special values might be returned:

Customer description 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The customer description is returned as UTF8. The following special values might be returned:

Date and time added. Date and time the problem log entry was added. This is the time that the problem was added to this systems problem log. This field is only valid for the QsxRetrieveProblemLogEntry API.

This is entered by the create API when the problem is added to this system. The time added field cannot be changed once entered, but it can be retrieved.

Date and time closed. Date and time the problem log entry was closed.

This field is changed when the user selects close on the Work with Problem display or uses the Change Problem Log API. This field can be retrieved, but it cannot be changed.

Delivery. Defines whether the PTF will be delivered by mail or electronically.

Delivery format. Specifies the format the PTFs are stored. Possible values are:

Delta level. Specifies the level of the system release.

Dependent address 2. An address field where the type of address is dependent on the address type field.

Dependent address 3. An address field where the type of address is dependent on the address type field.

Dependent address 4. An address field where the type of address is dependent on the address type field.

Dependent address 5. An address field where the type of address is dependent on the address type field.

Device location. The physical location of the device.

Device location text. Text that describes the location of the device.

Device location text length. Length of text.

Device name. A name given to the device or feature.

Device type. The type of device located on the system.

Document reference message ID. Message that contains a description of reference material.

DSA bus number. Code further defining the electrical address of a resource.

EC number. Engineering change number.

Error code message identifier. Identifier of the message that describes the error log entry.

Error log identifier. Number of the error log.

Event date and time. Date and time event was added to the problem log entry.

Exit point of the PDP. A code that defines the procedure in the PDP that isolated the problem.

Fault symptom code. A code defining the symptom of the problem.

Feature. Feature of the device. This is set to blank if a feature is not applicable.

Feature length. Length of the feature field. Maximum length supported is 4.

File count. The number of series 4001 or 4002 keys that are concatenated to this key.

File library name. Name of the library that contains the file.

File member name. Name of the file member. This is *SAVF if the file is a save file. This is *NONE if the file has no members.

File name. The file name that was specified by the user program when the file was created, or the name of the device file used to create this file.

File number. The file number for this spooled file.

File type. The type of entry to process. The values are:

Filter event Defines if problem log should be filtered

Filter group assigned. Name of the group in the filter to which the problem is assigned.

Filter library name. Library where the filter is located.

Filter name. Name of the filter.

Frame ID location. The physical location of the frame ID.

FRU code. A code that defines the FRU.

FRU count. Number of FRU entries that were returned by the Retrieve Problem Log API.

FRU description message ID. Message that describes this FRU.

Function. Name of the failing function.

Function length. Length of the function data.

Help desk or pager number. The help desk or pager number of the contact for the problem being reported. This number should include the area code, exchange numbers, and the extension.

Hierarchy. The function of the program where the problem occurred.

History count. The number of 6001 keys returned by the Retrieve Problem Log API.

History type. History entry type. The types are:

Image catalog. Indicate name of the image catalog to create. The following special value is accepted:

Image directory. The path name of the directory where optical image files will be saved. For more information about specifying path names, see Object naming rules in the Control language topic collection. The following special value is accepted:

Image option. Specify if the image order will be submitting the order or submitting the order and download the image. The following values are accepted:

Image prefix. The prefix for the optical image file names. If multiple images are received under one order, the files will be uniquely identified by a numerical suffix on the image name. This field must be set to blanks if 1 (Image) is not specified for delivery format. The following special value is accepted:

Instruction. Instruction number where the error was detected.

I/O bus address. The bus number between the IOP and the device.

Isolation status. The status of the isolation attempt.

Job name. The name of the job that produced the spooled file.

Job number. The number of the job that produced this spooled file.

Key. Integer value that defines the key you are working with.

Key control for key 6. Defines the fields that will be processed.

Key control for key 8. Defines which field should be processed. Add the values to process multiple fields.

Key control for key 1004. Defines the EC (engineering change) number.

Key control for key 1005. Defines the fields that will be processed.

Key control for key 1006. Defines field used for reporting code:

Key control for key 1014. Defines which field should be processed. Add the values to process multiple fields.

Key control for key 5001. Defines contact data fields:

Key control for key 6001. Defines which fields to process:

Key control for key 7001. Identifies which fields to process on a change operation. The control values are:

To process multiple fields sum the values for the fields you want to change.

Key control for key 7002. Defines which fields to process on a change operation. The control values are:

Key size. Defines the size of the key you are working with.

Length of URI 1. The length of the URI 1. The maxium length is currently 1024.

Length of URI 2. The length of the URI 2 The maxium length is currently 1024.

Machine type. A type of device.

Machine type length. Length of the machine type in bytes.

Maximum level. The indicator of the highest level of the product on which this PTF can be installed. If the minimum and maximum levels are the same, then this PTF can only be installed on one level of the product. The level can be AA to 99. This field will be blank if the product has no level.

Media type. This is a code that defines a media type.

Message file name. The message file that contains the problem description. The library of the file must exist in the library list.

Message identifier. The identifier of a message that describes the problem.

Message library name. The library that contains the message file.

Minimum level. The indicator of the lowest level of the product on which this PTF can be installed. If the minimum and maximum levels are the same, then this PTF can only be installed on one level of the product. The level can be AA to 99. This field will be blank if the product has no level.

Model. The model of the device type.

Model length. Size of the machine model field, maximum is 3.

Mode of analysis. Whether the problem was in message mode, which allows the user to analyze the problem, or the problem was analyzed by the System Licensed Internal Code (SLIC) and cannot be analyzed again. Valid values are as follows:

Modification level. Modification level of the object. *ONLY is a valid constant even though it is longer than the 2-byte maximum.

Modification level length. Length of the modification level in bytes. Maximum length supported is 2.

Module name. Component of a program or a program name.

Name. Product, microcode, application, or module name.

Name length. Length of the name of the object that detected the error.

Name of contact. The name of a person to contact within the corporation.

National language version. A code that defines the national language version in which the cover letter is supplied. The values are defined in the i5/ topic collection.

Network address. Defines the address of a network node. These formats are used:

The reserved fields must be blank.

Number of times analyzed. The number of times the problem was analyzed. The value must be greater than 0 and should be incremented each time the problem is analyzed.

Object name. Name of the object that detected the error.

Offset to URI 1. The offset of the URI 1.

Offset to URI 2. The offset of the URI 2.

Option. Defines if only the PTFs listed will be ordered or the PTFs and its requisites.

Part location. A textual description of where the part is located.

Part number array. List of up to six part numbers, 12 characters in length. Unused elements of the array should be blank.

Path name. Path to the failing software.

Path name length. Length of the path name data.

PDP. Name of the problem determination procedure (PDP) module used to isolate the error.

Pointer to the text. Address of the text.

Port. Code defining where a device is attached to a device driver.

Postal code. The postal or zip code of the postal address.

Primary electronic mail address. The electronic mail (e-mail) address to receive problem-related data.

Primary FAX number. The primary FAX number to receive problem-related data.

Primary function group. The load ID of the program.

Primary phone number. The phone number of the primary contact for the problem being reported.

Probability of fix. The probability of this FRU resolving the problem.

Probe. Identifier for a problem found in a program.

Problem branch number. A number assigned by the support system. The problem branch number field is typically the problem management branch number used by *IBMSRV.

Problem category. Defines how a problem should be processed.

Problem country number. A number assigned by the support system. The problem country number field is typically the problem management country number used by *IBMSRV.

Problem log identifier. A unique identifier based on date and time, network type and network address. The values are:

Problem number. A number assigned by the support system. The problem number field is typically the problem management number used by *IBMSRV.

Problem severity. The impact of the problem on the system. The values are:

Problem status. Defines the current status of the problem. The values are:

Problem type. Defines the type of problem the system is processing. The values are:

Product ID. Name of the product.

Product ID length. Length of the product ID data. The maximum length is 7 except for key 1013 where the maximum is 64. *ONLY*PRODUCT** is a valid constant even though it is longer than the 7-byte maximum.

Program. Name of the failing program.

Program length. Length of the program data.

PTF count. Number of PTF entries retrieved.

PTF ID. A program fix identifier.

PTF ID length. Length of the program fix identifier. Maximum length is 7.

PTF image. Identifies whether or not the PTF was downloaded as an optical image file on the system. Possible values are:

PTF Order ID. Specifies a unique number for PTF orders.

PTF order status. Indicates the status of the PTF order image. Possible values are:

PTF order type. Defines if the PTF and its cover letter will be ordered or only the cover letter.

PTF status. Identifies whether the PTF has been requested from a remote system. Requested implies that the PTF order was sent and the PTF is needed by your system.

Query status. Defines how the client service information is to be processed.

Rack serial number. Serial number of the rack.

Rack serial number length. Length of the serial number of the rack.

Recovery status. The status of the recovery attempt.

Reference code. Index into a reference code translatable table.

Reference code description data. Data defining the error.

Reference code description file name. File that contains the reference code description.

Reference code description library name. Library that contains the reference code description.

Reference code description message. Message identifier that describes the problem.

Reference code translate table identifier. Name of the table that contains a description of the problem.

Reference code translate table library. Library that contains the reference code translate table.

Release level. Release level of the object. *ONLY is a valid constant even though it is longer than the 2-byte maximum.

Release level length. Maximum length supported is 2.

Reorder. Defines if a PTF that is already on the system, but which does not have a save file, will be reordered. Typically a PTF will not be ordered if it has been loaded or installed. This option overrides normal operation but if a save file exists for the PTF it will not be reordered.

Replacement text. Defining the configuration error.

Replacement text length. Length of the data in bytes.

Reserved. Space added to ensure correct boundary alignment. This field must be blank.

Resource name. Name of the resource.

Screen identifier. The identifier of a screen to be displayed to assist in solving a problem.

Secondary function group. Program option.

Sense bytes. Sense bytes that pertain to the problem.

Sent. Defines if the PTF has been sent from the remote system in response to a PTF order or problem report.

Serial number. Manufacturing sequence number or designation.

Serial number length. Maximum length supported is 12, except for the maximum length of the machine serial number (key 5) that is 7.

State or province. The state or province of the postal address.

Symptom. An encoded string that represents the problem description. Typically, this field contains EBCDIC uppercase alphabetic, numeric, and limited special characters. Contact your service representative for data restrictions. This field is considered a user-defined field and no translation or alteration of the contents are made. The first character position of the field cannot be blank.

Text count. A count of 3001 entries returned by the Retrieve Problem Log API of entries returned. If no entries are found, 0 is returned.

Text length. Length of the data in bytes.

Text type. A code that defines the type of text to process. The values are:

Transport type. The type of connection from the central electronics complex (CEC) to the board's user-assigned value for this SPD bus.

Type of hardware. Machine, device, feature, or component type.

Unit address. Code defining the electrical address of a resource.

URI Information 1. The information of the URI (Universal Resource Identifier) 1. The URI is the value the service provider uses to identify the problem reported.

URI Information 2. The information of the URI (Universal Resource Identifier) 1. The URI is the value the service provider uses to identify the problem reported.

User assigned. The user profile of the person assigned to this problem. The value is blank if not assigned.

User ID. User ID of the job making the entry.

Verification status. Defines the status of the recovery attempt.

Version. Release level of the product. *ONLY is a valid constant even though it is longer than the 2-byte maximum.

Version length. Length of the version data. Maximum length supported is 2 except for key 1013 where the maximum is 64.

Volume ID. Identifier of the media that is failing.

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