Here is a complete listing of the data in the IN_TRAY table.

1988-12-25- BADAMSON FWD: Fantastic year! 4th Quarter Bonus. To: JWALKER Cc: QUINTANA, NICHOLLS Jim, Looks like our hard work has paid off. I have some good beer in the fridge if you want to come over to celebrate a bit. Delores and Heather, are you interested as well? Bruce <Forwarding from ISTERN> Subject: FWD: Fantastic year! 4th Quarter Bonus. To: Dept_D11 Congratulations on a job well done. Enjoy this year's bonus. Irv <Forwarding from CHAAS> Subject: Fantastic year! 4th Quarter Bonus. To: All_Managers Our 4th quarter results are in. We pulled together as a team and exceeded our plan! I am pleased to announce a bonus this year of 18%. Enjoy the holidays. Christine Haas
1988-12-23- ISTERN FWD: Fantastic year! 4th Quarter Bonus. To: Dept_D11 Congratulations on a job well done. Enjoy this year's bonus. Irv <Forwarding from CHAAS> Subject: Fantastic year! 4th Quarter Bonus. To: All_Managers Our 4th quarter results are in. We pulled together as a team and exceeded our plan! I am pleased to announce a bonus this year of 18%. Enjoy the holidays. Christine Haas
1988-12-22- CHAAS Fantastic year! 4th Quarter Bonus. To: All_Managers Our 4th quarter results are in. We pulled together as a team and exceeded our plan! I am pleased to announce a bonus this year of 18%. Enjoy the holidays. Christine Haas