Terminology: SQL versus traditional file access

DB2® for IBM® i provides two access methods for manipulating database tables and data: SQL and system file access methods. These access methods use different words to describe some similar concepts.

SQL term Traditional file access term
Schema. A group of related objects that consists of a library, a journal, a journal receiver, an SQL catalog, and an optional data dictionary. A schema enables the user to find the objects by name. Another name for a schema is collection. Library. A group of related objects that enables the user to find the objects by name.
Table. A set of columns and rows. Physical file. A set of records.
Row. The horizontal part of a table containing a serial set of columns. Record. A set of fields.
Column. The vertical part of a table of one data type. Field. One of more bytes of related information of one data type.
View. A subset of columns and rows of one or more tables. Logical file. A subset of fields or records of up to 32 physical files.
Index. A collection of data in the columns of a table, logically arranged in ascending or descending order. Index. A type of logical file.
Package. An object that contains control structures for SQL statements to be used by an application server. SQL package. An object that contains control structures for SQL statements to be used by an application server.
Catalog. A set of tables and views that contain information about tables, packages, views, indexes, and constraints. No similar object. However, the Display File Description (DSPFD) and Display File Field Description (DSPFFD) commands provide some of the same information that querying an SQL catalog provides.