OCCUR (Set/Get Occurrence of a Data Structure)

Free-Form Syntax (not allowed - use the %OCCUR built-in function)
Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators
OCCUR (E) Occurrence value Data structure Occurrence value _ ER _

The OCCUR operation code specifies the occurrence of the data structure that is to be used next within an RPG IV program.

The OCCUR operation establishes which occurrence of a multiple occurrence data structure is used next in a program. Only one occurrence can be used at a time. If a data structure with multiple occurrences or a subfield of that data structure is specified in an operation, the first occurrence of the data structure is used until an OCCUR operation is specified. After an OCCUR operation is specified, the occurrence of the data structure that was established by the OCCUR operation is used.

Factor 1 is optional; if specified, it can contain a numeric, zero decimal position literal, field name, named constant, or a data structure name. Factor 1 is used during the OCCUR operation to set the occurrence of the data structure specified in factor 2. If factor 1 is blank, the value of the current occurrence of the data structure in factor 2 is placed in the result field during the OCCUR operation.

If factor 1 is a data structure name, it must be a multiple occurrence data structure. The current occurrence of the data structure in factor 1 is used to set the occurrence of the data structure in factor 2.

Factor 2 is required and must be the name of a multiple occurrence data structure.

The result field is optional; if specified, it must be a numeric field name with no decimal positions. During the OCCUR operation, the value of the current occurrence of the data structure specified in factor 2, after being set by any value or data structure that is optionally specified in factor 1, is placed in the result field.

At least one of factor 1 or the result field must be specified.

If the occurrence is outside the valid range set for the data structure, an error occurs, and the occurrence of the data structure in factor 2 remains the same as before the OCCUR operation was processed.

To handle OCCUR exceptions (program status code 122), either the operation code extender 'E' or an error indicator ER can be specified, but not both. For more information on error handling, see Program Exception/Errors.

When a multiple-occurrence data structure is imported or exported, the information about the current occurrence is not imported or exported. See the EXPORT{(external_name)} and IMPORT{(external_name)} keywords for more information.

Figure 357. Uses of the OCCUR Operation
Uses of the OCCUR Operation
 *  DS1 and DS2 are multiple occurrence data structures.
 *  Each data structure has 50 occurrences.
D DS1             DS                  OCCURS(50)
D  FLDA                   1      5
D  FLDB                   6     80
D DS2             DS                  OCCURS(50)
D  FLDC                   1      6
D  FLDD                   7     11
 *  DS1 is set to the third occurrence.  The subfields FLDA
 *  and FLDB of the third occurrence can now be used.  The MOVE
 *  and Z-ADD operations change the contents of FLDA and FLDB,
 *  respectively, in the third occurrence of DS1.
C     3             OCCUR     DS1
C                   MOVE      'ABCDE'       FLDA
C                   Z-ADD     22            FLDB
 *  DS1 is set to the fourth occurrence.  Using the values in
 *  FLDA and FLDB of the fourth occurrence of DS1, the MOVE
 *  operation places the contents of FLDA in the result field,
 *  FLDX, and the Z-ADD operation places the contents of FLDB
 *  in the result field, FLDY.
C     4             OCCUR     DS1
C                   MOVE      FLDA          FLDX
C                   Z-ADD     FLDB          FLDY
 *  DS1 is set to the occurrence specified in field X.
 *  For example, if X = 10, DS1 is set to the tenth occurrence.
C     X             OCCUR     DS1
 *  DS1 is set to the current occurrence of DS2.  For example, if
 *  the current occurrence of DS2 is the twelfth occurrence, DSI
 *  is set to the twelfth occurrence.
C     DS2           OCCUR     DS1
 *  The value of the current occurrence of DS1 is placed in the
 *  result field, Z.  Field Z must be numeric with zero decimal
 *  positions.  For example, if the current occurrence of DS1
 *  is 15, field Z contains the value 15.
C                   OCCUR     DS1           Z
 *  DS1 is set to the current occurrence of DS2.  The value of the
 *  current occurrence of DS1 is then moved to the result field,
 *  Z.  For example, if the current occurrence of DS2 is the fifth
 *  occurrence, DS1 is set to the fifth occurrence.  The result
 *  field, Z, contains the value 5.
C     DS2           OCCUR     DS1           Z
 *  DS1 is set to the current occurrence of X.  For example, if
 *  X = 15, DS1 is set to the fifteenth occurrence.
 *  If X is less than 1 or is greater than 50,
 *  an error occurs and %ERROR is set to return '1'.
 *  If %ERROR returns '1', the LR indicator is set on.
C     X             OCCUR (E) DS1
C                   IF        %ERROR
C                   SETON                                        LR
C                   ENDIF
Figure 358. Exporting a Multiple Occurrence DS
 * Procedure P1 exports a multiple occurrence data structure.
 * Since the information about the current occurrence is
 * not exported, P1 can communicate this information to
 * other procedures using parameters, but in this case it
 * communicates this information by exporting the current
 * occurrence.
D EXP_DS          DS                  OCCURS(50) EXPORT
D  FLDA                   1      5
D NUM_OCCUR       C                   %ELEM(EXP_DS)
D EXP_DS_CUR      S              5P 0 EXPORT
 * Loop through the occurrences.  For each occurrence, call
 * procedure P2 to process the occurrence. Since the occurrence
 * number EXP_DS_CUR is exported, P2 will know which occurrence
 * to process.
C                   DO        NUM_OCCUR     EXP_DS_CUR
C                     :
C                   CALLB     'P2'
C                   ENDDO
C                     :
 * Procedure P2 imports the multiple occurrence data structure.
 * The current occurrence is also imported.
D EXP_DS          DS                  OCCURS(50) IMPORT
D  FLDA                   1      5
D EXP_DS_CUR      S              5P 0 IMPORT
 * Set the imported multiple-occurrence data structure using
 * the imported current occurrence.
 * Process the current occurrence.
C                     :

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