Examples of the EVAL-CORR operation

Figure 315. EVAL-CORR with externally-described data structure I/O
 * Physical file EVALCORRPF

A          R PFREC
A            NAME          25A
A            IDNO          10P 0
A            CITY          20A
 * Display file EVALCORRDF

A          R DSPFREC
A                                  3  2'Name'
A            NAME          25A  O  3 15
A                                  4  2'City'
A            CITY          20A  B  4 15CHECK(LC)
 * RPG program

Fevalcorrpfuf   e             disk
Fevalcorrdfcf   e             workstn

D pf_ds         e ds                  extname(evalcorrpf : *input)
D                                     qualified
D pf_save_ds      ds                  likeds(pf_ds)
D dspf_ds       e ds                  extname(evalcorrdf : *all)
D                                     qualified
       read pfrec pf_ds;
       dow not %eof;
          // Assign all subfields with the same name and type
          // to the data structure for the EXFMT operation
          // to the display file (NAME and CITY)
          eval-corr dspf_ds = pf_ds;
          // Show the screen to the user
          exfmt dspfrec dspf_ds;
          // Save the original physical file record
          // and assign the display file subfields to the
          // physical file data structure.  Then compare
          // the physical file data structure to the saved
          // version to see if any fields have changed.

          eval pf_save_ds = pf_ds;
          eval-corr pf_ds = dspf_ds;
          if pf_ds <> pf_save_ds;
             // Some of the fields have changed

             update pfrec pf_ds;
          read pfrec pf_ds;
       *inlr = '1';
Figure 316. EVAL-CORR between program-described data structures
 * The two data structures ds1 and ds2 have several
 * subfields, some having the same names and
 * compatible types:
 *    num     - appears in both, has compatible type
 *    extra   - appears only in ds1
 *    char    - appears in both, has identical type
 *    other   - appears only in ds1
 *    diff    - appears in both, types are not compatible
 *    another - appears only in ds2

D ds1             ds                  qualified
D   num                         10i 0
D   extra                         d
D   char                        20a
D   otherfld                     1a
D   diff                         5p 0
D ds2             ds                  qualified
D   char                        20a
D   diff                         5a
D   another                      5a
D   num                         15p 5

       // assign corresponding fields from DS1 to DS2

       EVAL-CORR ds2 = ds1;
       // this EVAL-CORR is equivalent to these EVAL operations
       // between all the subfields which have the same name
       // in both data structures and which have a compatible
       // data type
       //   EVAL ds2.num = ds1.num;
       //   EVAL ds2.char = ds1.char;
       // - Subfields "extra" and "another" are not affected
       //   because there is no subfield of the same name in
       //   the other data structure.
       // - Subfield "diff" is not selected because the
       //   subfields do not a compatible type
Figure 317. EVAL-CORR with null-capable subfields
 * DDS for file EVALCORRN1

A          R REC1
A            FLD1          10A         ALWNULL
A            FLD2          10A         ALWNULL
A            FLD3          10A
A            FLD4          10A
A            FLD5           5P 0       ALWNULL
 * DDS for file EVALCORRN2

A          R REC2
A            FLD1          10A         ALWNULL
A            FLD2          10A
A            FLD3          10A         ALWNULL
A            FLD4          10A
A            FLD5           5A         ALWNULL
 * In the following example, data structure "ds1"
 * is defined from REC1 in file EVALCORRN1 and
 * data structure "ds2" is defined from REC2 in
 * file EVALCORRN2 above.  The EVAL-CORR operation
 * does the following:
 * 1. DS2.FLD1 is assigned the value of DS1.FLD1
 *    and %NULLIND(DS2.FLD1) is assigned the value of
 *    %NULLIND(DS1.FLD1)
 * 2. DS2.FLD2 is assigned the value of DS1.FLD2
 * 3. DS2.FLD3 is assigned the value of DS1.FLD3
 *    and %NULLIND(DS2.FLD3) is assigned *OFF
 * 4. DS2.FLD4 is assigned the value of DS1.FLD4
 * The null-indicator for DS1.FLD2 is ignored because
 * the target subfield DS2.FLD2 is not null-capable.
 * DS2.FLD5 is ignored because DS1.FLD5 has a different
 * data type, so the subfields do not correspond.

FEVALCORRN1IF   E             DISK
FEVALCORRN2O    E             DISK
D ds1             DS                  LIKEREC(REC1:*INPUT)
D ds2             DS                  LIKEREC(REC2:*OUTPUT)
C                   READ      REC1          ds1
C                   EVAL-CORR ds2 = ds1
C                   WRITE     REC2          ds2
Figure 318. EVAL-CORR with nested subfield data structures

D ds0             ds                  qualified
D   num                         10i 0
D   char                        20a   varying
 * A data structure with a nested subfield data structure

D ds1             ds                  qualified
D   a                                 likeds(ds0)
D   b                                 likeds(ds0)
D   char                        20a   varying
D   otherfld                     1a
 * A data structure with a nested subfield data structure

D ds2             ds                  qualified
D   char                        20a
D   another                      5a
D   b                                 likeds(ds0)

       // assign corresponding fields from DS1 to DS2

       EVAL-CORR ds2 = ds1;
       // this EVAL-CORR is equivalent to these EVAL operations
       //   EVAL ds2.b.num = ds1.b.num;
       //   EVAL ds2.b.char = ds1.b.char;
       //   EVAL ds2.char = ds1.char;
       // assign corresponding fields from DS1.A to DS0

       EVAL-CORR(H) ds0 = ds1.a;
       // this EVAL-CORR is equivalent to these EVAL operations
       //   EVAL(H) ds0.num = ds1.a.num;
       //   EVAL ds0.char = ds1.a.char;
       // assign corresponding fields from DS1.A to DS2.B

       EVAL-CORR ds2.b = ds1.a;
       // this EVAL-CORR is equivalent to these EVAL operations
       //   EVAL ds2.b.num = ds1.a.num;
       //   EVAL ds2.b.char = ds1.a.char;

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