DEFINE (Field Definition)

Free-Form Syntax (not allowed - use the LIKE or DTAARA keyword on the Definition specification)
Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators
DEFINE *LIKE Referenced field Defined field
DEFINE *DTAARA External data area Internal field

Depending on the factor 1 entry, the declarative DEFINE operation can do either of the following:

You can specify the DEFINE operation anywhere within calculations, although you cannot specify a *DTAARA DEFINE in a subprocedure or use it with a UCS-2 result field. The control level entry (positions 7 and 8) can be blank or can contain an L1 through L9 indicator, the LR indicator, or an L0 entry to group the statement within the appropriate section of the program. The control level entry is used for documentation only. Conditioning indicator entries (positions 9 through 11) are not permitted.

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