%SUBARR (Set/Get Portion of an Array)


Built-in function %SUBARR returns a section of the specified array starting at start-index. The number of elements returned is specified by the optional number-of-elements parameter. If not specified, the number-of-elements defaults to the remainder of the array.

The first parameter of %SUBARR must be an array. That is, a standalone field, data structure, or subfield defined as an array. The first parameter must not be a table name or procedure call.

The start-index parameter must be a numeric value with zero decimal positions. A float numeric value is not allowed. The value must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of elements of the array.

The optional number-of-elements parameter must be a numeric value with zero decimal positions. A float numeric value is not allowed. The value must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the number of elements remaining in the array after applying the start-index value.

Generally, %SUBARR is valid in any expression where an unindexed array is allowed. However, %SUBARR cannot be used in the following places:

%SUBARR may be used in the following ways:

For more information, see Array Operations or Built-in Functions.

Figure 255. Using %SUBARR
D a               s             10i 0 dim(5)
D b               s             10i 0 dim(15)
D resultArr       s             10i 0 dim(20)
D sum             s             20i 0 

     // Copy part of an array to another array:  
     resultArr = %subarr(a:4:n);     
          // this is equivalent to:     
          //   resultArr(1) = a(4)     
          //   resultArr(2) = a(5)     
          //   ...     
          //   resultArr(n) = a(4 + n - 1)  

     // Copy part of an array to part of another array:  
     %subarr(b:3:n) = %subarr(a:m:n);  
     // Specifying the array from the start element to the end of the array  
     // B has 15 elements and A has 5 elements.  Starting from element 2  
     // in array A means that only 4 elements will be copied to array B.  
     // The remaining elements in B will not be changed.  
     	b = %subarr(a : 2);  

     // Sort a subset of an array:  
     sorta %subarr(a:1:4);     
          // Now, A=(5 9 13 16 3);     
          // Since only 4 elements were sorted, the fifth element     
          // is out of order.  
          // Using %SUBARR in an implicit array indexing assignment  
     resultArr = b + %subarr(a:2:3)     
     // this is equivalent to:     
     //   resultArr(1) = b(1) + a(2)     
     //   resultArr(2) = b(2) + a(3)     
     //   resultArr(3) = b(3) + a(4)  

     // Using %SUBARR nested within an expression  
     resultArr = %trim(%subst(%subarr(stringArr:i):j));     
          // this is equivalent to:     
          //   resultArr(1) = %trim(%subst(stringArr(i+0):j))     
          //	 resultArr(2) = %trim(%subst(stringArr(i+1):j))     
          //   resultArr(3) = %trim(%subst(stringArr(i+2):j))  

     // Sum a subset of an array  
     sum = %xfoot (%subarr(a:2:3));     
          // Now sum = 9 + 13 + 16 = 38

Figure 256. Using %SUBARR with dynamically allocated arrays
// Using %SUBARR with dynamically allocated arrays
D dynArrInfo      ds                  qualified
D   numAlloc                    10i 0 inz(0)
D   current                     10i 0 inz(0)
D   p                             *
D dynArr          s              5a   dim(32767) based(dynArrInfo.p)
D otherArray      s              3a   dim(10) inz('xy') 
     // Start the array with an allocation of five elements,   
     // and with two current elements  
     dynArrInfo.numAlloc = 5;  
     dynArrInfo.p = %alloc(%size(dynArr) * 
     dynArrInfo.current = 2;  

     // Initialize to blanks  
     %subarr(dynArr : 1 : dynarrInfo.current) = *blank;  

     // Set the two elements to some values  
     dynArr(1) = 'Dog'; 
						   dynArr(2) = 'Cat';  

     // Sort the two elements  
     sorta %subarr(dynArr : 1 : dynarrInfo.current);     
          // dynArr(1) = 'Cat'     
          // dynArr(2) = 'Dog'  

     // Assign another array to the two elements  
     otherArray(1) = 'ab';  
     otherArray(2) = 'cd';  
     otherArray(3) = 'ef';  
     %subarr(dynArr : 1 : dynarrInfo.current) = otherArray;     
          // dynArr(1) = 'ab'     
          // dynArr(2) = 'cd'  

     // Changing the size of the array  
     oldElems = dynArrInfo.current;  
     dynArrInfo.current = 7;  
     if (dynArrInfo.current > dynArrInfo.numAlloc);     
          dynArrInfo.p = %realloc (dynArrInfo.p : dynArrInfo.current);     
          dynArrInfo.numAlloc = dynArrInfo.current;  
     if (oldElems < dynArrInfo.current);     
          // Initialize new elements to blanks     
         clear %subarr(dynArr : oldElems + 1 : dynArrInfo.current - oldElems);      

It is valid to use %SUBARR to assign part of an array to another part of the same array. However, if the source part of the array overlaps the target part of the array, unpredictable results can occur.

For more information, see Built-in Functions.

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