%FOUND (Return Found Condition)


%FOUND returns '1' if the most recent relevant file operation found a record, a string operation found a match, or a search operation found an element. Otherwise, this function returns '0'.

The operations that set %FOUND are:

If %FOUND is used without the optional file_name parameter, then it returns the value set for the most recent relevant operation. When a file_name is specified, then it applies to the most recent relevant operation on that file.

For file operations, %FOUND is opposite in function to the "no record found NR" indicator.

For string operations, %FOUND is the same in function as the "found FD" indicator.

For the LOOKUP operation, %FOUND returns '1' if the operation found an element satisfying the search conditions. For an example of %FOUND with LOOKUP, see Figure Figure 217.

For more information, see File Operations, Result Operations, or Built-in Functions.

Figure 220. %FOUND used to Test a File Operation without a Parameter
 * File CUSTS has record format CUSTREC
FCUSTS     IF   E           K DISK

    // Check if the customer is in the file
    chain Cust CustRec;
    if %found;
       exsr HandleCustomer;
Figure 221. %FOUND used to Test a File Operation with a Parameter
 * File MASTER has all the customers
 * File GOLD has only the "privileged" customers
FMASTER    IF   E           K DISK
FGOLD      IF   E           K DISK

   // Check if the customer exists, but is not a privileged customer
   chain Cust MastRec;
   chain Cust GoldRec;
   // Note that the file name is used for %FOUND, not the record name
   if  %found (Master)  and not  %found (Gold);
Figure 222. %FOUND used to Test a String Operation
D Numbers         C                   '0123456789'
D Position        S              5I 0
 * If the actual position of the name is not required, just use
 * %FOUND to test the results of the SCAN operation.
 * If Name has the value 'Barbara' and Line has the value
 * 'in the city of Toronto.      ', then %FOUND will return '0'.
 * If Line has the value 'the city of Toronto where Barbara lives, '
 * then %FOUND will return '1'.
C     Name          SCAN      Line
C                   IF        %FOUND
C                   EXSR      PutLine
C                   ENDIF                                           
 * If Value contains the value '12345.67', Position would be set
 * to 6 and %FOUND would return the value '1'.
 * If Value contains the value '10203040', Position would be set
 * to 0 and %FOUND would return the value '0'.
C     Numbers       CHECK     Value         Position
C                   IF        %FOUND
C                   EXSR      HandleNonNum
C                   ENDIF                                           

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