Moving Date-Time Data

The MOVE and MOVEL operation codes can be used to move Date, Time and Timestamp data type fields.

The following combinations are allowed for the MOVE and MOVEL operation codes:

Factor 1 must be blank if both the source and the target of the move are Date, Time or Timestamp fields. If factor 1 is blank, the format of the Date, Time, or Timestamp field is used.

Otherwise, factor 1 contains the date or time format compatible with the character or numeric field that is the source or target of the operation. Any valid format may be specified. See Date Data Type, Time Data Type, and Timestamp Data Type.

Keep in mind the following when specifying factor 1:

Factor 2 is required and must be a character, numeric, Date, Time, or Timestamp value. It contains the field, array, array element, table name, literal, or named constant to be converted.

The following rules apply to factor 2:

The result field must be a Date, Time, Timestamp, numeric, or character variable. It can be a field, array, array element, or table name. The date or time is placed in the result field according to its defined format or the format code specified in factor 1. If the result field is numeric, separator characters will be removed, prior to the operation. The length used is the length after removing the separator characters.

When moving from a Date to a Timestamp field, the time and microsecond portion of the timestamp are unaffected, however the entire timestamp is checked and an error will be generated if it is not valid.

When moving from a Time to a Timestamp field, the microseconds part of the timestamp is set to 000000. The date portion remains unaffected, but the entire timestamp will be checked and an error will be generated when it is not valid.

If character or numeric data is longer than required, only the leftmost data (rightmost for the MOVE operation) is used. Keep in mind that factor 1 determines the length of data to be moved. For example, if the format of factor 1 is *MDY for a MOVE operation from a numeric date, only the rightmost 6 digits of factor 2 would be used.

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