Positions 21-29 (File Record ID Indicators)

The line or field is output every time the record (heading, detail, total, or exception) is checked for output.
A general indicator that is used as a resulting indicator, field indicator, or record identifying indicator.
Function key indicators.
Control level indicators.
Halt indicators.
External indicator set before running the program or set as a result of a calculation operation.
Overflow indicator previously assigned to this file.
Matching record indicator.
Last record indicator.
Return indicator.
First-page indicator. Valid only on heading or detail lines.

Conditioning indicators are not required on output lines. If conditioning indicators are not specified, the line is output every time that record is checked for output. Up to three indicators can be entered on one specification line to control when a record or a particular field within a record is written. The indicators that condition the output are coded in positions 22 and 23, 25 and 26, and 28 and 29. When an N is entered in positions 21, 24, or 27, the indicator in the associated position must be off for the line or field to be written. Otherwise, the indicator must be on for the line or field to be written. See PAGE, PAGE1-PAGE7 for information on how output indicators affect the PAGE fields.

If more than one indicator is specified on one line, all indicators are considered to be in an AND relationship.

If the output record must be conditioned by more than three indicators in an AND relationship, enter the letters AND in positions 16 through 18 of the following line and specify the additional indicators in positions 21 through 29 on that line.

For an AND relationship, fetch overflow (position 18) can only be specified on the first line. Positions 40 through 51 (spacing and skipping) must be blank for all AND lines.

An overflow indicator must be defined on the file description specifications with the OFLIND keyword before it can be used as a conditioning indicator. If a line is to be conditioned as an overflow line, the overflow indicator must appear on the main specification line or on the OR line. If an overflow indicator is used on an AND line, the line is not treated as an overflow line, but the overflow indicator is checked before the line is written. In this case, the overflow indicator is treated like any other output indicator.

If the output record is to be written when any one of two or more sets of conditions exist (an OR relationship), enter the letters OR in positions 16-18 of the following specification line, and specify the additional OR indicators on that line.

When an OR line is specified for a printer file, the skip and space entries (positions 40 through 51) can all be blank, in which case the space and skip entries of the preceding line are used. If they differ from the preceding line, enter space and skip entries on the OR line. If fetch overflow (position 18) is used, it must be specified on each OR line.

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