
The PREFIX keyword is used to partially rename the fields in an externally described file.The characters specified in the first parameter are prefixed to the names of all fields defined in all records of the file specified in positions 7-16. The characters can be specified as a name, for example PREFIX(F1_), or as a character literal, for example PREFIX('F1_'). A character literal must be used if the prefix contains a period, for example PREFIX('F1DS.') or PREFIX('F1DS.A'). To remove characters from the beginning of every name, specify an empty string as the first parameter: PREFIX('':number_to_remove). In addition, you can optionally specify a numeric value to indicate the number of characters, if any, in the existing name to be replaced. If the 'nbr_of_char_replaced' is not specified, then the string is attached to the beginning of the name.

If the 'nbr_of_char_replaced' is specified, it must be a numeric constant containing a value between 0 and 9 with no decimal places. For example, the specification PREFIX(YE:3) would change the field name 'YTDTOTAL' to 'YETOTAL'. Specifying a value of zero is the same as not specifying 'nbr_of_char_replaced' at all.

The 'nbr_of_char_replaced' parameter is not used when applying the prefix to an alias name. See the ALIAS keyword for information on how the PREFIX keyword interacts with the ALIAS keyword.



The following example adds the prefix "NEW_" to the beginning of the field names for file NEWFILE, and the prefix "OLD_" to the beginning of the field names for file OLDFILE.

Fnewfile   o    e             disk    prefix(NEW_)
Foldfile   if   e             disk    prefix(OLD_)
C                   READ      OLDREC
C                   EVAL      NEWIDNO = OLD_IDNO
C                   EVAL      NEWABAL = OLD_ABAL
C                   WRITE     NEWREC

The following example uses PREFIX(N:2) on both file FILE1 and the externally-described data structure DS1. The File-specification prefix will cause the FILE1 fields XYIDNUM and XYCUSTNAME to be known as NIDNUM and NCUSTNAME in the program; the Data-specification prefix will cause the data structure to have subfields NIDNUM and NCUSTNAME. During the READ operation, data from the record will be moved to the subfields of DS1, which can then be passed to the subprocedure processRec to process the data in the record.

Ffile1     if   e             disk    prefix(N:2)
D ds1           e ds                  extname(file1) prefix(N:2)
C                   READ      file1
C                   CALLP     processRec (ds1)

The following example uses prefix 'MYDS.' to associate the fields in MYFILE with the subfields of qualified data structure MYDS.

 Fmyfile    if   e             disk    prefix('MYDS.')
 D myds          e ds                  qualified extname(myfile)

The next example uses prefix 'MYDS.F2':3 to associate the fields in MYFILE with the subfields of qualified data structure MYDS2. The subfields themselves are further prefixed by replacing the first three characters with 'F2'. The fields used by this file will be MYDS2.F2FLD1 and MYDS2.F2FLD2. (Data structure MYDS2 must be defined with a similar prefix. However, it is not exactly the same, since it does not include the data structure name.)

 A          R REC
 A            ACRFLD1       10A
 A            ACRFLD2        5S 0
 Fmyfile2   if   e             disk    prefix('MYDS2.F2':3)
 D myds2         e ds                  qualified extname(myfile)
 D                                     prefix('F2':3)

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