Position 28 (Limits Processing)

Sequential-within-limits processing by a record-address file
Sequential or random processing

Use position 28 to indicate whether the file is processed by a record-address file that contains limits records.

A record-address file used for limits processing contains records that consist of upper and lower limits. Each record contains a set of limits that consists of the lowest record key and the highest record key from the segment of the file to be processed. Limits processing can be used for keyed files specified as primary, secondary, or full procedural files.

The L entry in position 28 is valid only if the file is processed by a record-address file containing limits records. Random and sequential processing of files is implied by a combination of positions 18 and 34 of the file description specifications, and by the calculation operation specified.

The operation codes SETLL (Set Lower Limit) and SETGT (Set Greater Than) can be used to position a file; however, the use of these operation codes does not require an L in this position.

For more information on limits processing, refer to the IBM Rational Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide.

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