Position 19 (End of File)

All records from the file must be processed before the program can end. This entry is not valid for files processed by a record-address file.

All records from all files which use this option must be processed before the LR indicator is set on by the RPG cycle to end the program.

If position 19 is blank for all files, all records from all files must be processed before end of program (LR) can occur. If position 19 is not blank for all files, all records from this file may or may not be processed before end of program occurs in multi-file processing.

Use position 19 to indicate whether the program can end before all records from the file are processed. An E in position 19 applies only to input, update, or combined files specified as primary, secondary, or record-address files.

If the records from all primary and secondary files must be processed, position 19 must be blank for all files or must contain E's for all files. For multiple input files, the end-of-program (LR) condition occurs when all input files for which an E is specified in position 19 have been processed. If position 19 is blank for all files, the end-of-program condition occurs when all input files have been processed.

When match fields are specified for two or more files and an E is specified in position 19 for one or more files, the LR indicator is set on after:

When no file or only one file contains match field specifications, no records of other files are processed after end of file occurs on all files for which an E is specified in position 19.

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