How to Code an Edit Word

To output using an edit word, code the output specifications as shown below:

Can contain conditioning indicators.
Contains the name of the numeric field from which the data that is to be edited is taken.
Edit code. Must be blank, if you are using an edit word to edit the source data.
A “B” in this position indicates that the source data is to be set to zero or blanks after it has been edited and output. Otherwise the source data remains unchanged.
Identifies the end (rightmost) position of the field in the output record.
Edit word. Can be up to 26 characters long and must be enclosed by apostrophes, unless it is a named constant. Enter the leading apostrophe, or begin the named constant name in column 53. The edit word, unless a named constant, must begin in column 54.

To edit using an edit word in calculation specifications, use built-in function %EDITW, specifying the value to be edited as the first parameter, and the edit word as the second parameter.

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