Return Indicator (RT)

You can use the return indicator (RT) to indicate to the internal RPG IV logic that control should be returned to the calling program. The test to determine if RT is on is made after the test for the status of LR and before the next record is read. If RT is on, control returns to the calling program. RT is set off when the program is called again.

Because the status of the RT indicator is checked after the halt indicators (H1 through H9) and LR indicator are tested, the status of the halt indicators or the LR indicator takes precedence over the status of the RT indicator. If both a halt indicator and the RT indicator are on, the halt indicator takes precedence. If both the LR indicator and RT indicator are on, the program ends normally.

RT can be set on as a record identifying indicator, a resulting indicator, or a field indicator. It can then be used as a conditioning indicator for calculation or output operations.

For a description of how RT can be used to return control to the calling program, see the chapter on calling programs in the IBM Rational Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide.

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