Releasing record locks

The UNLOCK operation also allows the most recently locked record to be unlocked for an update disk file.

name must be the name of the UPDATE disk file.

Figure 393. Record unlock operation
FUPDATA    UF   E             DISK
 *  Assume that the file UPDATA contains record format vendor.
 *  A record is read from UPDATA. Since the file is an update
 *  file, the record is locked. *IN50 is set somewhere else in
 *  the program to control whether an UPDATE should take place.
 *  otherwise the record is unlocked using the UNLOCK operation.
 *  Note that factor 2 of the UNLOCK operation is the file name,
 *  UPDATA, not the record format, VENDOR
C                   READ      VENDOR                                 12
C                   :
C     *IN50         IFEQ      *ON
C                   UPDATE    VENDOR
C                   ELSE
C                   UNLOCK    UPDATA                               99
C                   ENDIF

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