Optional: Preparing the central system for virtual tape images

To prepare the central system for virtual tape images, complete these tasks.

  1. Ensure that the system has enough disk space

    Ensure that the system has enough disk space to hold all the virtual images you are going to create. Refer to the Image catalog requirements listed in Preparing for virtual optical storage for information about disk space requirements for virtual images.

    Include the total amount of the virtual image sizes in the total storage needed for an upgrade on the target system.

  2. Create a virtual tape device

    CRTDEVTAP DEVD(virtual-device-name) RSRCNAME(*VRT) ONLINE(*YES) TEXT(text-description)

  3. Vary on the virtual tape device

    VRYCFG CFGOBJ(virtual-device-name) CFGTYPE(*DEV) STATUS(*ON)

  4. Create an image catalog

    Create an image catalog for the licensed programs that you want to distribute. The Create Image Catalog (CRTIMGCLG) command associates an image catalog with a target directory where the optical image files are loaded.

    CRTIMGCLG IMGCLG(catalog-name) DIR(catalog-path) TYPE(*TAP) CRTDIR(*YES) TEXT(image-catalog-name)

    You can optionally add image catalog images with the CRTIMGCLG command. If you use this option, skip step 5. The following example command adds three catalog entries with a volume size of 1 gigabyte and volume names that are generated with a prefix of ABC. All images are automatically initialized.

    CRTIMGCLG IMGCLG(catalog-name) DIR(catalog-path) TYPE(*TAP) CRTDIR(*YES) ADDVRTVOL(3) PREFIX(ABC) IMGSIZ(1000) TEXT(image-catalog-name)

  5. Add an image catalog entry

    (Repeat this step for the number of desired images. Add the images in the same order as you are going to install from them.)

    Add a new image catalog entry with a size of 48MB to 1 000 000MB. The minimum size of the first volume must be 2000MB.

    ADDIMGCLGE IMGCLG(catalog-name) FROMFILE(*NEW) TOFILE(file-name) IMGSIZ(image-size) TEXT(text-description)

    Optionally you can add the density (format) parameter to this command. For further information on the format of virtual tape images, refer to Optional: Distributing virtual images.
    Note: The default tape image size is 1 gigabyte if you do not specify a value for IMGSIZ.
  6. Load the image catalog

    This step associates the virtual tape device to the image catalog. Up to 35 virtual tape devices can be active.

    LODIMGCLG IMGCLG(catalog-name) DEV(virtual-device-name) OPTION(*LOAD)

Tape images are automatically initialized.

Next topic: When you are finished