Viewing graph history

This topic contains step-by-step instructions to view graph history through System i® Navigator.

Graph history is included in System i Navigator. To view the graph history of the data that you are monitoring with Collection Services, do these steps:
  1. Follow the System i Navigator online help for starting Collection Services on either a single system or on a system group.
  2. From the Start Collection Services - General page, select Start IBM Performance Management for Power Systems if needed.
  3. Make changes to the other values for the collection retention period.
  4. Click OK.
  5. You can view the graph history by right-clicking either a system monitor or a Collection Services object and selecting Graph History.
  6. Click Refresh to see the graphical view.
Tip: If the graph history data is missing, you can re-create it. To re-create the graph history data, right-click on the object in System i Navigator and choose Create Graph History Data.

Once you have launched a graph history, a window displays a series of graphed collection points. These collection points on the graph line are identified by three different graphics that correspond to the three levels of data that are available:

  • A square collection point represents data that includes both the detailed information and properties information.
  • A triangular collection point represents summarized data that contains detailed information.
  • A circular collection point represents data that contains no detailed information or properties information.
The system adds data from the active collection object (*PFR attribute) to the *PFRDTL and *PFRHST collection objects when the following occurs:
  • If the collection object properties is set to add graph data and summary data when cycled, the collection is cycled.
  • If the already cycled object is selected and the menu option to summarize the data is selected.
  • If a system monitor is running, then data is added to the *PFRDTL object only, as the system monitor is running.