Working with Print objects

PrintObject is an abstract class. An abstract class does not allow you to create an instance of the class. Instead, you must create an instance of one of its subclasses to work with print objects.

Create objects of the subclasses in any of the following ways:

  • If you know the system and the identifying attributes of the object, construct the object explicitly by calling its public constructor.
  • You can use a PrintObjectList subclass to build a list of the objects and then get at the individual objects through the list.
  • An object may be created and returned to you as a result of a method or set methods being called. For example, the static method start() in the WriterJob class returns a WriterJob object.

Use the base class, PrintObjectjavadoc/com/ibm/as400/access/PrintObject.html#NAVBAR_TOP, and its subclasses to work with server print objects:

  • OutputQueue
  • Printer
  • PrinterFile
  • SpooledFile
  • WriterJob