CCSID values defined on IBM i

This table lists the coded character set identifiers (CCSIDs) that are defined on the IBM® i operating system.

CCSID Encoding Description
00037 1100 US, Canada, Netherlands, Portugal, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia
00256 1100 Netherlands
00273 1100 Austria, Germany
00277 1100 Denmark, Norway
00278 1100 Finland, Sweden
00280 1100 Italy
00284 1100 Spanish, Latin America
00285 1100 United Kingdom
00290 1100 Japan Katakana
00297 1100 France
00300 1200 Japan English
00301 2200 Japanese PC Data
00367 5100 ANSI X3.4 ASCII standard; USA
00420 1100 Arabic-speaking countries
00423 1100 Greece
00424 1100 Hebrew
00425 1100 Arabic-speaking countries
00437 2100 PC Data; PC Base; USA
00500 1100 Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, International Latin-1
00720 2100 MS-DOS Arabic
00737 2100 MS-DOS Greek PC-Data
00775 2100 MS-DOS Baltic PC-Data
00813 4100 ISO 8859-7; Greek/Latin
00819 4100 ISO 8859-1; Latin Alphabet No. 1
00833 1100 Korea (extended range)
00834 1200 Korea host double byte (including 1880 UDC)
00835 1200 Traditional Chinese host double byte (including 6204 UDC)
00836 1100 Simplified Chinese (extended range)
00837 1200 Simplified Chinese
00838 1100 Thailand (extended range)
00850 2100 PC Data; MLP 222 Latin Alphabet 1
00851 2100 PC Data; Greek
00852 2100 PC Data; Latin-2 Multilingual
00855 2100 PC Data; ROECE Cyrillic
00857 2100 PC Data; Turkey Latin #5
00858 2100 PC Data: MLP 222; Latin Alphabet Number 1 w/euro; Latin-1 Countries
00860 2100 PC Data; Portugal
00861 2100 PC Data; Iceland
00862 2100 PC Data; Hebrew
00863 2100 PC Data; Canada
00864 2100 PC Data; Arabic
00865 2100 PC Data; Denmark, Norway
00866 2100 PC Data; Cyrillic #2 - Personal Computer
00868 2100 PC Data: Urdu
00869 2100 PC Data; Greek
00870 1100 Latin-2 Multilingual
00871 1100 Iceland
00874 2100 Thai PC Data
00875 1100 Greece
00878 4105 Russian Internet KOI8-R Cyrillic
00880 1100 Cyrillic Multilingual
00891 2100 Korean PC Data (non-extended)
00897 2100 Japanese PC Data (non-extended)
00903 2100 Simplified Chinese PC Data (non-extended)
00904 2100 Traditional Chinese PC Data
00905 1100 Turkey Latin-3
00912 4100 ISO 8859-2; ROECE Latin-2 Multilingual
00914 4100 Latin 4 - ISO 8859-4
00915 4100 ISO 8859-5; Cyrillic; 8-bit ISO
00916 4100 ISO 8859-8; Hebrew
00918 1100 Urdu EBCDIC
00920 4100 ISO 8859-9; Latin 5
00921 4100 Baltic, 8-bit (ISO 8859-13)
00922 4100 Estonia, 8-bit (ISO)
00923 4100 ISO 8859-15: Latin Alphabet with euro
00924 1100 Latin 9 EBCDIC
00926 2200 Korean PC Data DBCS, UDC 1880
00927 2200 Traditional Chinese PC Data DBCS, UDC 6204
00928 2200 Simplified Chinese PC Data DBCS, UDC 1880
00930 1301 Japan Katakana (extended range) 4370 UDC (User Defined Characters)
00932 2300 Japan PC Data Mixed
00933 1301 Korea (extended range), 1880 UDC
00934 2300 Korean PC Data
00935 1301 Simplified Chinese (extended range)
00936 2300 Simplified Chinese (non-extended)
00937 1301 Traditional Chinese (extended range)
00938 2300 Traditional Chinese (non-extended)
00939 1301 Japan English (extended range) 4370 UDC
00941 2200 Japanese DBCS PC for Open environment (Multi-vendor code): 6878 JIS X 0208-1990 characters, 386 IBM selected characters, 1880 IBM UDC (X'F040' to X'F9FC')
00942 2300 Japanese PC Data Mixed
00943 2300 Japanese PC Data Mixed for Open environment (Multi-vendor code): 6878 JIS X 0208-1990 characters, 386 IBM selected DBCS characters, 1880 UDC (X'F040' to X'F9FC')
00944 2300 Korean PC Data Mixed
00946 2300 Simplified Chinese PC Data Mixed
00947 2200 ASCII Double-byte
00948 2300 Traditional Chinese PC Data Mixed 6204 UDC (User Defined Characters)
00949 2300 Republic of Korea National Standard Graphic Character Set (KS) PC Data mixed-byte including 1800 UDC
00950 2300 Traditional Chinese PC Data Mixed for Big5
00951 2200 Republic of Korea National Standard Graphic Character Set (KS) PC Data double-byte including 1800 UDC
00954 4403 Japanese EUC; G0 - JIS X201 Roman set (00895); G1 - JIS X208-1990 set (00952); G2 - JIS X201 Katakana set (04992 ); G3 - JIS X212 set (00953)
00956 5404 JIS X201 Roman for CP 00895; JIS X208-1983 for CP 00952
00957 5404 JIS X201 Roman for CP 00895; JIS X208-1978 for CP 00955
00958 5404 ASCII for CP 00367; JIS X208-1983 for CP 00952
00959 5404 ASCII for CP 00367; JIS X208-1978 for CP 00955
00964 4403 G0 - ASCII for CP 00367; G1- CNS 11643 plane 1 for CP 960
00965 5404 ASCII for CP 00367; CNS 11643 plane 1 for CP 960
00970 4403 G0 ASCII for CP 00367; G1 KSC X5601-1989 (including 188 UDCs) for CP 971
00971 8200 Korean EUC, G1 - KS C5601-1989 (including 188 UDC)
01008 4100 Arabic 8-bit ISO/ASCII
01009 5100 IS0-7: IRV
01010 5100 ISO-7; France
01011 5100 ISO-7; Germany
01012 5100 ISO-7; Italy
01013 5100 ISO-7; United Kingdom
01014 5100 ISO-7; Spain
01015 5100 ISO-7; Portugal
01016 5100 ISO-7; Norway
01017 5100 ISO-7; Denmark
01018 5100 ISO-7; Finland and Sweden
01019 5100 ISO-7; Belgium and Netherlands
01025 1100 Cyrillic Multilingual
01026 1100 Turkey Latin 5 CECP
01027 1100 Japan English (extended range)
01040 2100 Korean Latin PC Data extended
01041 2100 Japanese PC Data extended
01042 2100 Simplified Chinese PC Data extended
01043 2100 Traditional Chinese PC Data extended
01046 2100 PC Data - Arabic Extended
01051 4100 HP Emulation(for use with Latin 1). GCGID SF150000 is mapped to a control X'7F'
01088 2100 Korean PC Data single-byte
01089 4100 ISO 8859-6: Arabic (string type 5)
01097 1100 Farsi
01098 2100 Farsi (IBM-PC)
01112 1100 Baltic, Multilingual
01114 2100 Traditional Chinese, Taiwan Industry Graphic Character Set (Big5)
01115 2100 Simplified Chinese National Standard (GB), personal computer SBCS
01122 1100 Estonia
01123 1100 Cyrillic Ukraine EBCDIC
01124 4100 Cyrillic Ukraine 8-Bit
01125 2100 Cyrillic Ukraine PC-Data
01126 2100 Windows Korean PC Data Single-Byte
01129 4100 ISO-8 Vietnamese
01130 1100 EBCDIC Vietnamese
01131 2100 Cyrillic Belarus PC-Data
01132 1100 EBCDIC Lao
01133 4100 ISO-8 Lao
01137 1100 Devanagari EBCDIC
01140 1100 ECECP: USA, Canada, Netherlands, Portugal, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand
01141 1100 ECECP: Austria, Germany
01142 1100 ECECP: Denmark, Norway
01143 1100 ECECP: Finland, Sweden
01144 1100 ECECP: Italy
01145 1100 ECECP: Spain, Latin America (Spanish)
01146 1100 ECECP: United Kingdom
01147 1100 ECECP: France
01148 1100 ECECP: International 1
01149 1100 ECECP: Iceland
01153 1100 Latin-2 - EBCDIC Multilingual with euro
01154 1100 Cyrillic Multilingual with euro
01155 1100 Turkey Latin 5 with euro
01156 1100 Baltic, Multilingual with euro
01157 1100 Estonia EBCDIC with euro
01158 1100 Cyrillic Ukraine EBCDIC with euro
01160 1100 Thai host with euro
01164 1100 EBCDIC Vietnamese with euro
01200 7200 UTF-16 Unicode, big endian
01208 7807 UTF-8
01250 4105 Windows, Latin 2
01251 4105 Windows, Cyrillic
01252 4105 Windows,Latin 1
01253 4105 Windows, Greek
01254 4105 Windows, Turkish
01255 4105 Windows, Hebrew
01256 4105 Windows, Arabic
01257 4105 Windows, Baltic Rim
01258 4105 MS Windows, Vietnamese
01275 4105 Apple Latin-1
01280 4105 Apple Greek
01281 4105 Apple Turkey
01282 4105 Apple Central European (Latin-2)
01283 4105 Apple Cyrillic
01362 2200 Windows Korean PC DBCS-PC, including 11 172 full hangul
01363 2300 Windows Korean PC Mixed, including 11 172 full hangul
01364 1301 Korean host mixed extended including 11 172 full hangul
01380 2200 Simplified Chinese, People's Republic of China National Standard (GB), personal computer DBCS
01381 2300 Simplified Chinese, People's Republic of China National Standard (GB) personal computer mixed SBCS and DBCS
01382 8200 Simplified Chinese DBCS PC GB 2312-80 set, including 31 IBM selected and 1360 UDC.
01383 4403 Simplified Chinese, EUC
  • G0 set; ASCII
  • G1 set; GB 2312-80 set (1382)
01385 2200 Simplified Chinese DBCS-PC GBK, all GBK character set and others
01386 2300 Simplified Chinese PC Data GBK mixed, all GBK character set and others
01388 1301 Simplified Chinese DBCS- GB 18030 Host with UDCs and Uygur extension.
01399 1301 Japanese Latin-Kanji Host Mixed including 4370 UDC, Extended SBCS (includes SBCS and DBCS euro)
04396 1200 Japanese Host DB including 1880
04930 1200 Korean DBCS-Host extended including 11 172 full hangul
04933 1200 Simplified Chinese DBCS Host (GBK), all GBK character set and others
04948 2100 Latin 2 PC Data Multilingual
04951 2100 Cyrillic PC Data Multilingual
04952 2100 Hebrew PC Data
04953 2100 Turkey PC Data Latin 5
04960 2100 Arabic PC Data
04965 2100 Greek PC Data
04970 2100 Thai PC Data Single-Byte
04971 1100 Greek (including euro)
05026 1301 Japan Katakana (extended range) 1880 UDC
05035 1301 Japan English (extended range) 1880 UDC
05050 4403 G0 - JIS X201 Roman for CP 895; G1 JIS X208-1990 for CP 952
05052 5404 JIS X201 Roman for CP 895; JIS X208-1983 for CP 952
05053 5404 JIS X201 Roman for CP 895; JIS X208-1978 for CP 955
05054 5404 ASCII for CP 367; JIS X208-1983 for CP 952
05055 5404 ASCII for CP 367; JIS X208-1978 for CP 955
05123 1100 Japanese Latin Host Extended SBCS (includes euro)
05210 2100 Simplified Chinese PC Data Single-Byte (GBK), growing CS
05348 4105 Windows, Latin 1 with euro
08612 01100 Arabic (base shapes only)
09030 1100 Thai Host Extended SBCS
09056 2100 PC Data: Arabic PC Storage/Interchange
09066 2100 Thai PC Data Extended SBCS
12708 1100 Arabic (base shapes, Lamaleph ligatures and Hindi digits) (string type 7)
13121 1100 Korean Host Extended SBCS
13124 1100 Simplified Chinese Host Data Single-Byte (GBK) equivalent to Simplified Chinese Host Data Single-Byte (GB) except growing CS
13488 7200 ISO/IEC 10646 Universal Coded Character Set Level 2 (UCS-2)
16684 1200 Japanese Latin Host Double-Byte including 4370 UDC (includes euro)
17354 5404 G0 - ASCII for CP 00367; G1 - KSC X5601-1989 (including 188 UDCs) for CP 00971
25546 5409 Korean 2022-KR TCP, ASCII, KS C5601-1989 (includes 188 UDC, RFC1557 using SO/SI)
28709 1100 Traditional Chinese (extended range)
33722 4403 Japanese EUC
  • G0; JIS X201 Roman set (00895)
  • G1; JIS X208-1990 set (00952)
  • G2; JIS X201 Katakana set (04992)
  • G3; JIS X212 set (09145)
57345 5404 All Japanese 2022 characters
61952 7200 IBM i specific (old CCSID for UCS). Use of 13488 is recommended instead.
62210 4100 IBM i specific ISO 8859-8; Hebrew, string type 4.
62211 1100 IBM i specific EBCDIC; Hebrew, string type 5
62215 4105 IBM i specific MS Windows; Hebrew, string type 4
62218 2100 IBM i specific PC data; Arabic, string type 4
62222 4100 IBM i specific ISO 8859-9; Hebrew, string type 6
62223 4105 IBM i specific MS Windows; Hebrew, string type 6
62224 1100 IBM i specific EBCDIC; Arabic, string type 6
62228 4105 IBM i specific MS Windows; Arabic, string type 6
62235 1100 IBM i specific EBCDIC; Hebrew, string type 6
62238 4100 IBM i specific ISO 8859-9; Hebrew, string type 10
62239 4105 IBM i specific MS Windows; Hebrew, string type 10
62245 1100 IBM i specific EBCDIC; Hebrew, string type 10
65534 Look at lower level CCSID
65535 Special value indicating data is hex and should not be converted. This is the default for the QCCSID system value.